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Phase II. Research , <br />Bowman will coordinate with the IRCDUS GIS dept. to extract record drawing information on the year, <br />type, material, and history of pipe breakages/repairs. Days and dates of underground pipe repairs will <br />be pursued to determine the frequency of occurrence. <br />We will gather information on prior repair methods and acquire any photos, work orders, pipe coupons <br />and field orders which might focus on the cause or causes of past pipe failures. <br />For example, how was the failure discovered? What was discovered at the time of the initial response to <br />the repair? Were failures localized at joints? <br />If the actual pipe material as manufactured is suspected to be defective, this may raise a potential issue <br />that may take a direction that is outside the scope of this work. This investigation excludes any legal <br />activities associated with defective pipe stemming from the pipeline manufacture. <br />Phase III. Site Investigation <br />The Bowman team will conduct onsite site investigations to identify potential contributions / sources of <br />corrosion. This will be a walk-through visual inspection of the existing corridor to investigate for potential <br />external corrosion sources such as the presence of overhead power, gas mains, underground wireline <br />utilities, etc. <br />Additionally, a soft dig analysis of the vicinity of existing repairs is anticipated if they can be isolated by <br />County Staff. This is intended to evaluate the condition of the existing main in the vicinity of known failure <br />points for analysis of the type of external Corrosion evident (pitting or corrosion), and to determine <br />potential adjacent sources of Corrosion. <br />Continuity testing with County Staff is anticipated to verify wireline continuity, or potential loss locations. <br />The engineer will conduct limited onsite analysis of potential short circuit, and ground connectivity (OHM <br />resistivity) testing will be performed using a hand-held meg device during the on-site investigations. <br />Subsurface Exploration: <br />Geotechnical Engineering work is anticipated to evaluate corrosivity of soils including chemical analysis, <br />pH, and other items that could contribute to corrosion of the pipe. This work will also conduct a "four - <br />point analysis" to test for transient voltages. We are anticipating this work to be conducted in multiple <br />locations to be determined based on pipeline history, Staff input, and site evaluations. <br />Phase IV. Identify Potential Sources / Causes <br />Bowman will Prepare a list of nearly 20 potential areas of concerns / sources which have the potential to <br />contribute to the pipe's pitting or corrosion. This list will expand or collapse as research and data is <br />evaluated, and will be generated from past experience, interpretation of site conditions, review of <br />available records, and interviews with IRCDUS personnel who operate and maintain the pipeline. <br />The list will be broken down into sub categories based on experience and subject matter. Each potential <br />source / cause will be identified, explained as a potential contributor and then be ruled out or assigned to <br />the next level of investigation. <br />