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The following an example of an area of concern. <br />Trace Wire / Trace Tape: <br />a. Has Trace Wire been installed? <br />b. What is gauge of trace wire. <br />c. Is wire coated. Is coating still present? <br />d. Is there any circular discoloration on the trace wire, such as black or brown discoloration? <br />e. How are splices made up? Twisted pair with cap, twisted pair with solder, plain twisted <br />pair? <br />f. Continuity: Can pipe be traced for the entire run of pipe? If not, then where is continuity <br />lost? <br />g. Were iron wedges used for continuity at the pipe joints? <br />Phase V- Informal County Workshop with Staff <br />Conduct an informal workshop with IRCDUS engineering and operations staff to review the questions <br />associated with the multiple parameters analyzed, and potential findings. This workshop is intended to <br />review investigated parameters and the questions raised to narrow down the list of potential questions <br />that arise from our research. Answers to our questions may lead to additional investigative pathways. <br />The Bowman team will perform an in-depth analysis of potential corrosion causes, and County <br />participation will be critical in narrowing down potential sources and answering questions that may arise <br />during the project. <br />There is no guarantee a definitive cause for the historical corrosion issues will be identified, but this <br />project will provide a detailed analysis of potential causes and prepare a draft and final technical <br />memorandum summarizing parameters evaluated and our findings. <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />We propose to provide the following services: <br />Task 1 - Corrosion Evaluation and Reporting (Bowman Consulting) <br />Phase 1 — Internal Corrosion, Site Investigation <br />1. Set up first run of internal investigation, field presence during probe and CCTV <br />investigation. Work with IRCDUS staff to locate the first portion of pipe to be <br />evaluated. Work will include field utility locates, installation of 20" X 6" wet tap and <br />CCTV / Acoustic evaluation of 2,500' of pipe selected jointly by Consultant and <br />County Staff. <br />2. Evaluate findings from the first run to determine if internal corrosion is an issue. <br />Review and discuss with IRCDUS staff to determine if evaluation of entire 2 miles <br />is warranted. <br />Phase 2 — Research <br />3. Review GIS and available record information such as shop drawings, etc., for this <br />run of pipeline. Interview field personnel that may have witnessed corrosion <br />issues, where they are located, review photos taken and pipeline repairs made, <br />review past coupons taken from this run of pipeline <br />