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CONSENT <br />' unsupported third party freeware. In short, the current map does not align with the County's <br />NG911 goals. <br />The E911 State Grant Program will not fund the entire call taking map project but will offset <br />expenditure costs should Indian River County receive an allocation from the E911 Board. <br />Pursuant to Florida Administrative Code 6OFF, the Chairman must sign the grant application <br />before submittal to the E911 Board. <br />FUNDING: <br />Emergency Services has planned for the expense of replacing the current call -taking map in the <br />FY 19/20 budget by anticipating the full cost of $122,318.75. It is necessary that all PSAPs have <br />the same call taking map software. However, the covenants of the E911 State Grant process this <br />year will allow a county to apply for funding of one primary PSAP. To this end, staff is <br />requesting the E911 Board for $36,857.65 for new mapping software, which will cover the cost <br />of one primary PSAP. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends the Board authorize the Chairmen to execute the E911 State Grant <br />Application. <br />ATTACHMENT: <br />1. Application for the E911 State Grant Program <br />2. Indian River County Grant Form <br />35 <br />