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and remotely provided hosted 911 answering point call -taking equipment and network services <br />directly attributable to establishing and provisioning E911 or NG -911 services. Warranty and <br />maintenance costs shall be calculated to account for only the first year warranty and maintenance <br />costs and shall not include upfront maintenance costs to reduce the yearly service amount. <br />5.4 All grant applications shall be accompanied by at least one complete quote for equipment or <br />services. Grant applications totaling $35,000.00 or more must be accompanied by at least three <br />written substantiated competitive complete quotes from different vendors. Complete quote <br />submittals shall include a detailed scope of work, all pages included in the vendor proposal, <br />breakdown of all costs including equipment, service tasks and deliverables. The E911 Board will <br />compare the three quotes to any existing state contract in order to determine appropriate funding. <br />Any county that has made a good faith effort to obtain at least three competitive quotes and has <br />not been able to obtain the quotes can request E911 Board review based on substantiated proof <br />of request for quotes or posting of the request with documentation of the limited responses. <br />5.5 If the grant application does not exceed the threshold amount of $195,000, the county can initiate <br />a request for approval for sole source funding. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis. <br />Justification for sole source funding shall be provided with the application. Sole source will be <br />approved if provided in accordance with Chapter 287, Florida Statutes, or with provision of a letter <br />from the county's purchasing department that the project is a sole source procurement based on <br />the county's purchasing requirements, which shall be provided with this grant application. Include <br />pricing justification in the sole source letter from the county's purchasing department. <br />5.6 Applicants requesting items from different funding priorities should complete a separate item 12 <br />Budget/Expenditure Report for each priority. See Addendum I - Funding Priorities for the E911 <br />State. Grant Program for a listing of funding priorities. Items from the same funding priorities <br />should be combined in the same item 12 Budget/Expenditure Report and shall comply with <br />General Conditions items 5.4 and 5.5. <br />5.7 Should two or more counties jointly apply for a grant, each county will be required to complete <br />and submit a grant application detailing the funds requested and the county responsible for the <br />funds. In addition one combined grant application detailing the entire project and a memorandum <br />of understanding or inter -local agreement of all counties involved shall be submitted. The <br />combined grant application shall comply with General Condition's items 5.4 and 5.5. <br />5.8 Procurement shall be based on the county's purchasing requirements and the applicable State <br />purchasing requirements, including Section 112.061, Florida Statutes. All travel and associated <br />per diem costs proposed shall be in compliance with General Condition's item 6.3.5. <br />5.9 Funding application requests must include a scope of work that clearly establishes the tasks to <br />be performed. The applications shall include all tasks that are required for successful completion <br />of the project. The project shall be divided into quantifiable units of deliverables that shall be <br />received and accepted in writing by the county before payment. Each deliverable must be directly <br />related to the scope of work and must specify the required minimum level of service to be <br />performed and the criteria for evaluating the successful completion of each deliverable. <br />5.10 Funding requests must include all necessary costs required for full implementation of the <br />proposed solution including that of any third party. Should the county grant application request <br />or grant award be less than the projected cost of the equipment or service, the county should <br />provide verification of the ability to fund the difference. Pricing submitted cannot be contingent <br />Application for E911 State Grant Program , revised 01/2018 <br />Page 4 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 6OFF1-5.003 E911 State Grant <br />39 <br />