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Last modified
12/31/2019 12:53:40 PM
Creation date
6/17/2019 10:11:37 AM
Meeting Type
BCC Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Packet
Meeting Date
Meeting Body
Board of County Commissioners
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upon "yet to be" determined fees for products and services by the proposer or any other third <br />party required for implementation. <br />5.11 The county shall provide information on the county's preceding year E911 fee revenue amount, <br />the preceding year carry forward funding amount and the total carry forward balance amount in <br />the county E911 fund. The amount of grant funding award is limited based on the total amount <br />of carry forward funding in the county E911 fund in excess of an amount calculated based on the <br />allowable 30% carry forward amount for a two-year basis in accordance with sub -paragraph <br />365.172(6) (a) 3.c., Florida Statutes and E911 Board Rule 6OFF1-5.006 Florida Administrative <br />Code. The county shall include the amount of their county carry forward funding being utilized for <br />this . grant in the Applied County Carry Forward or other Funding (if applicable) line in the <br />Application Form item #12. Budget/Expenditure Report. <br />5.12 Detailed information is required for any grant application requesting funding for systems that <br />require immediate system replacement for provisioning of enhanced 911 in the county. Include <br />detailed justification and explanation for any E911 system with an expected remaining life of Tess <br />than 1 year. <br />5.13 Funding requests contingent upon "beta testing" or for products and services not in general <br />production and installation will not be funded. <br />6.0 Limitation on Use of Funds <br />6.1 Only eligible expenses for E911 service listed in Section 365.172(10), Florida Statutes, (Appendix <br />I) that are not specifically excluded in this application will be funded. <br />6.2 Specifically excluded E911 expenses: <br />6.2.1 Salaries and associated expenses for 911 coordinators, call takers or other 911 personnel <br />will not be funded. <br />6.2.2 Wireline database costs from the local exchange carrier, vehicle expenses, consoles, <br />workstation furniture and expenses will not be funded. Interconnecting hardware and <br />network equipment for NG -911 PSAPs are fundable; however, outside plant copper or <br />fiber cabling systems and building entrance build out costs are not fundable. <br />6.3 Funding limitations are specified on the following items: <br />6.3.1 Hosted 911 answering point call -taking equipment and network services, recurring network <br />and circuit costs, equipment maintenance and warranty costs will not be funded on more <br />than the first year implementation period. <br />6.3.2 Grant funding shall be limited (per grant cycle) to eligible expenditures for one PSAP per <br />county either one primary or one secondary PSAP. Counties with only one PSAP in the <br />county, with no other primary or secondary PSAPs, may be eligible for grant funding for <br />one backup PSAP. <br />6.3.3 Selective router equipment costs are limited to the primary PSAP system and are limited <br />to one per county. <br />6.3.4 Training cost funding is limited to new system & equipment training. <br />Application for E911 State Grant Program , revised 01/2018 <br />Page 5 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 6OFF1-5.003 E911 State Grant <br />40 <br />
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