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Last modified
12/31/2019 12:53:40 PM
Creation date
6/17/2019 10:11:37 AM
Meeting Type
BCC Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Packet
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Board of County Commissioners
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6.3.5 The allowable grant funding for travel expenses is limited to the authorized amounts <br />established in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, and the Department of Financial Services <br />Guidelines for State Expenditures. Allowable costs for daily per diem shall not exceed <br />$186.00. <br />7.0 Approval and Award <br />7.1 The E911 Board will review each application for compliance with the requirements of terms and <br />conditions. <br />7.2 Grant awards will be withheld for any county that has a grant with a past -due quarterly report or <br />past -due final documentation and closeout of previous E911 Board grant awards. <br />7.3 Applications will be awarded based upon the priorities set by the E911 Board as listed in <br />Addendum I - Funding Priorities for the E911 State Grant Program. <br />7.4 The E911 Board will adjust the amount awarded to a county based upon the availability of funds, <br />eligibility of requested items, published quotes, increased effectiveness of grant funds, minimum <br />system requirements for performing the needed E911 function as specified in Florida Statute <br />365.173 (2) (h) 1.,2., and 3., the State E911 Plan, or documented factors provided in the grant <br />application submission. NG -911 network systems should include a comparative presentation of <br />network alternatives, including applicable LEC, CLEC, County and State alternatives. All stepped <br />pricing should be thoroughly explained including the corresponding benefits for the County and <br />the E911 Board. <br />7.5 Any conditional hold, for documentation submittal referenced in 7.2, is limited to the last regularly <br />scheduled E911 Board meeting application vote established in the grant program calendar. <br />8.0 Financial and Administrative Requirements <br />8.1 Grant funds shall be provided on a cost reimbursement basis. All funds shall be deposited in an <br />interest bearing account maintained by the grantee, and each grant shall be tracked using a <br />unique accounting code designator for deposits, disbursements and expenditures assigned by <br />the county. All grant funds in the account maintained by the grantee shall be accounted for <br />separately from all other funds. Any interest generated shall be returned to the E911 Board. <br />8.2 Each grantee may submit reimbursement claims to the E911 Board as needed; however, claims <br />are limited to one request per month. Receipt of reimbursement funds from the E911 Board is <br />contingent on the timely and accurate submittal of funding requests. Requests for reimbursement <br />of expenditures must be submitted on the approved Appendix IV Financial Expenditures <br />Reporting Form. Incomplete claims forms or claims not submitted on the correct form cannot be <br />processed and will be returned for corrections. Submit only for the amounts in each budget <br />categories in which you have incurred expenditures. <br />8.4 Upon written request and accompanying documentation justifying the need, a county may receive <br />a Progress disbursement with a completed Financial Expenditures Reporting Form, with the <br />vendor invoice, and county certification that the specific grant items including all tasks and <br />deliverables included in the funding request are complete. Within 45 days of receipt of funding, <br />the grantee shall submit verification of vendor payment. <br />Application for E911 State Grant Program , revised 01/2018 <br />Page 6 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 6OFF1-5.003 E911 State Grant <br />41 <br />
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