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County Indian River <br />13. Assurances <br />ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The grantee accepts all grant terms and <br />conditions. Grantee understands that grants are contingent upon the availability of funds. <br />DISCLAIMER: The grantee certifies that the facts and information contained in this application <br />and any attached documents are true and correct. A violation of this requirement may result in <br />revocation of the grant and return of all grant funds and interest accrued (if any), pursuant to the <br />E911 Board authority and any other remedy provided by law. <br />NOTIFICATION OF AWARDS: The grantee understands and accepts that the notice of award <br />will be advertised on the Florida E911 website. <br />MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENT AND EXPANSION: The grantee agrees that any <br />improvement, expansion or other effect brought about in whole or part by grant funds will be <br />maintained. No substantial changes or departures from the original proposal shall be permitted <br />unless the E911 Board gives prior written authorization. Any unauthorized change will <br />necessitate the return of grant funds, and accrued interest (if any) to the E911 Board. <br />Failure to utilize grant funds as represented may jeopardize eligibility to be considered for future <br />funding. <br />14. Authority <br />I hereby affirm my authority and responsibility for the use of funds requested. <br />SIGNATURE — CHAIR, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DATE <br />Printed Name <br />WITNESS DATE <br />Application for E911 State Grant Program , revised 01/2018 <br />Page 16 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 60FF1-5.003 E911 State Grant 51 <br />