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12/31/2019 12:53:40 PM
Creation date
6/17/2019 10:11:37 AM
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BCC Regular Meeting
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Agenda Packet
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Board of County Commissioners
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Appendix 1 <br />NO requests for funding will be acknowledged for any items not specified in Section <br />365.172, Florida Statutes, Emergency communication number "E911"; paragraph (10) <br />(shown below). <br />Section 365.172 (10), Florida Statutes <br />AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES OF E911 FEE.— <br />(a) For purposes of this section, E911 service includes the functions of database <br />management, call taking, location verification, and call transfer. Department of Health <br />certification, recertification, and training costs for 911 public safety telecommunications, <br />including dispatching, are functions of 911 services. <br />(b) All costs directly attributable to the establishment or provision of E911 service and <br />contracting for E911 services are eligible for expenditure of moneys derived from imposition of <br />the fee authorized by subsections (8) and (9). These costs include the acquisition, <br />implementation, and maintenance of Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) equipment and <br />E911 service features, as defined in the providers' published schedules or the acquisition, <br />installation, and maintenance of other E911 equipment, including circuits; call answering <br />equipment; call transfer equipment; ANI or ALI controllers; ANI or ALI displays; station <br />instruments; E911 telecommunications systems; visual call information and storage devices; <br />recording equipment; telephone devices and other equipment for the hearing impaired used in <br />the E911 system; PSAP backup power systems; consoles; automatic call distributors, and <br />interfaces, including hardware and software, for computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems; <br />integrated CAD systems for that portion of the systems used for E911 call taking; GIS system <br />and software equipment and information displays; network clocks; salary and associated <br />expenses for E911 call takers for that portion of their time spent taking and transferring E911 <br />calls, salary, and associated expenses for a county to employ a full-time equivalent E911 <br />coordinator position and a full-time equivalent mapping or geographical data position, and <br />technical system maintenance, database, and administration personnel for the portion of their <br />time spent administrating the E911 system; emergency medical, fire, and law enforcement <br />prearrival instruction software; charts and training costs; training costs for PSAP call takers, <br />supervisors, and managers in the proper methods and techniques used in taking and <br />transferring E911 calls, costs to train and educate PSAP employees regarding E911 service or <br />E911 equipment, including fees collected by the Department of Health for the certification and <br />recertification of 911 public safety Telecommunicator's as required under s. 401.465; and <br />expenses required to develop and maintain all information, including ALI and ANI databases <br />and other information source repositories, necessary to properly inform call takers as to <br />location address, type of emergency, and other information directly relevant to the E911 call - <br />taking and transferring function. Moneys derived from the fee may also be used for next - <br />generation E911 network services, next -generation E911 database services, next -generation <br />E911 equipment, and wireless E911 routing systems. <br />(c) The moneys should not be used to pay for any item not listed in this subsection, <br />including, but not limited to, any or operational costs for emergency responses. Even any <br />Application for E911 State Grant Program , revised 01/2018 <br />Page 17 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 60FF1-5.003 E911 State Grant <br />52 <br />
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