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ARCADIS <br />Design & Consultancy <br />for natural and <br />built assets <br />valves, wiring and appurtenances and variable frequency drives associated with the RAS/WAS Pumps. <br />Additionally, the consultant will review the existing level sensors within the RAS/WAS splitter box and the <br />existing 150 gpm rotary drum thickener for replacement. CONSULTANT will review available information <br />on the existing RAS/WAS Pumps and RDT, including as -built drawings, equipment cut sheets, and <br />historical operating data to establish replacement requirements for the new pumps. As part of this <br />assessment, CONSULTANT will identify up to three suitable equipment manufacturers that can meet the <br />performance and retrofit requirements to replace the existing equipment within the existing site with <br />minimal modifications and have the manufacturer provide a list of installations of their equipment within <br />Florida. <br />CONSULTANT will develop concept level construction costs for the replacement of the pumps along with <br />a preliminary construction schedule and phasing plan that will allow for construction/replacement work to <br />occur while the Central Wastewater Plant is maintained in service. <br />CONSULTANT will prepare a draft Preliminary Design Technical Memorandum summarizing the findings <br />and recommendations of the pump replacement assessment. The memorandum will be submitted to the <br />COUNTY for review and comment. An electronic copy (.pdf) of the draft memorandum will be submitted <br />to the COUNTY. <br />Task 2.3.2 Meeting to Review Draft Technical Memorandum <br />Within about two weeks after the draft technical memorandum submittal, CONSULTANT will lead a <br />meeting with the COUNTY to review the information presented in the memorandum and gather OWNER <br />comments. The meeting will serve as an open forum to discuss preliminary design issues, including <br />equipment preferences. <br />Task 2.3.3 Final Preliminary Design Technical Memorandum <br />Upon receiving comments at the review meeting, CONSULTANT will finalize the preliminary design <br />recommendations and prepare and submit a Final Preliminary Design Technical Memorandum. An <br />electronic copy (.pdf) of the final memorandum will be submitted to the COUNTY. <br />2.4 Task 4 — Detailed Design <br />Based upon the recommendations presented in the Preliminary Design Technical Memorandum, the <br />CONSULTANT will develop design documents. These design documents will consist of Contract <br />Drawings and Technical Specifications and will be incorporated by the COUNTY into a bid package for <br />public procurement. The COUNTY'S Standard "front end" documents consisting of General Conditions <br />will be utilized. Contract Drawings will be prepared in AutoCAD 2018 or later version. Technical <br />Specifications will follow the MasterFormat® 2016 from the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). <br />