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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final June 4, 2019 <br />changes to the County's group health insurance plan. She provided details on <br />the existing plan, which is classified as a Premier Gold Plan. H.R. Director <br />Boyll reported that additional funding and plan changes would be needed to <br />continue to provide affordable, competitive, and sustainable benefits for <br />covered members. She detailed staffs proposal to introduce a second plan, the <br />Premier Silver Plan, which is more affordable for employees. Ms. Boyll <br />disclosed the costs for the Premier Gold and Silver Plans and noted that the <br />provider network for both plans would remain Florida Blue. She also advocated <br />implementing a Clinical Advantage Program (CAP) for the pharmacy benefit <br />which puts in cost controls (such as implementing a review process) related to <br />medicines that are either high claims or of low clinical value. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flescher, to continue with today's discussion, and to table the vote on this item <br />to the June 18, 2019 County Commission meeting. The motion carried by the <br />following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, Commissioner <br />O'Bryan, and Commissioner Zorc <br />Commissioner Flescher advocated for an open forum allowing the H.R. Director to <br />review the proposed health plan changes with County employees. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Chairman Solari, to <br />direct the Human Resources Director to hold a Workshop Meeting regarding the <br />revisions to the County's health plan for all the County employees, including <br />Constitutional Officers' employees. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, Commissioner <br />O'Bryan, and Commissioner Zorc <br />Commissioner O'Bryan expressed concerns about the medication reviews of the <br />pharmacy benefits. He wanted to ensure that the employees are receiving the <br />medications that they depend on. <br />H.R. Director Boyll explained that RXBenefits, the Pharmacy Benefits <br />Administrator, provides concierge customer service and oversight. <br />Jennifer Dimura, Clinical Pharmacist, for Lockton Companies (the County's <br />professional benefits consultant), discussed the claim review process. <br />County Administrator Jason Brown acknowledged Commissioner O'Bryan's <br />concerns, and affirmed staffs goal to provide a good health plan while identifying <br />any obvious misuses of the system which would drive up medical costs. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 11 <br />