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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final June 11, 2019 <br />Rich Szpyrka that the cost for culverting the canal would be prohibitive. <br />Commissioner Zorc supported approval of the negotiated agreement. Vice <br />Chairman Adams expressed dismay at the cost of acquisitions, and instead favored <br />adding new roads; however, she supported moving forward with this purchase. <br />Discussion continued with concerns over the precedent that this deal would set, <br />when a property should be considered a loss, and when it makes more sense to <br />pursue eminent domain versus cost -avoidance negotiation. <br />A motion was made by Vice Chairman Adams, seconded by Commissioner Zorc, to <br />approve staff's recommendations. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 4 - Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, and Commissioner <br />Zorc <br />Nay: 1 - Commissioner O'Bryan <br />Following the vote, consensus was reached to have staff to return with a report on <br />the remaining right-of-way acquisitions along 66th Avenue, including a <br />block -by -block accounting of parcels, their ownership, and development status. <br />The Chairman also suggested that it may be in the County's best interest to <br />postpone roadway expansion until a recessionary period to stem the escalating cost <br />of land acquisition and construction. <br />Approved Additional Action <br />14. COMMISSIONERS MATTERS <br />A. Commissioner Bob Solari, Chairman <br />B. Commissioner Susan Adams, Vice Chairman <br />C. Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher <br />D. Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan <br />E. Commissioner Tim Zorc <br />Commissioners Open Dialogue <br />19-0493 Commissioners Open Dialogue <br />Recommended Action: Discussion Only - No Action Required <br />Attachments: Informational Memorandum <br />Indian River County Florida <br />Page 11 <br />