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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final June 11, 2019 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Vice Chairman <br />Adams, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Solari, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, Commissioner <br />O'Bryan, and Commissioner Zorc <br />G Utilities Services <br />13. COUNTY ATTORNEY MATTERS <br />13.A. 19-0499 Acquisition of Right -Of -Way for Phase III of 66th Avenue Improvements from <br />Glen C. Besancon - 6725 66th Avenue <br />Recommended Action: Staff recommends the Board approve conveying the Gardiner property to the <br />Besancons, approve the agreement to purchase the 0.87 acre Besancon property for <br />$200,000 with the stated conditions, approve costs incurred by the Besancons of <br />$18,000 and approve the settlement of attorney's fees of $52,107 and authorize the <br />Chairman to execute a more formal purchase and sale agreement when drafted and <br />approved by the parties on behalf of the Board. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Exhibit "A" Aerial Photo <br />Exhibit "B" Sketch & Legal of R -O -W <br />Exhibit "C" Aerial Photo of Gardiner Property <br />Deputy County Attorney Bill DeBraal appeared before the Board to recount the <br />negotiation between the County and the Besancon family for a .87 acre portion of <br />their property needed for right-of-way in Phase III of the 66th Avenue expansion. <br />Attorney DeBraal detailed the April 25, 2019 settlement conference, the parties' <br />concerns and the proposed solutions. After negotiations, the County and the <br />Besancon's reached an agreement which was approved by Community <br />Development and Public Works. He advised that the alternative to a negotiated <br />purchase would be legal action under eminent domain which was projected to cost <br />in excess of $100,000. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan opened the discussion by stating that escalating costs for <br />land acquisition had gotten too high, and he could not support staffs <br />recommendation. He suggested exploring other solutions such as a land swap, <br />culverting the east -side canal, or applying the funds toward expanding 82nd Avenue <br />instead. <br />Chairman Solari expressed appreciation for Commissioner O'Bryan's point of view, <br />but was not willing to oppose this proposed agreement. He suggested continuing <br />with acquisitions on this block of 66th Avenue which was almost complete, then <br />reevaluating before moving forward with the rest of 66th Avenue. <br />The Chairman then solicited comments from the other Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Zorc sought and received confirmation from Public Works Director <br />Indian River County Florida <br />Page 10 <br />