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A APTIM <br />August 8, 2019 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Task 3: Deliverable <br />EAI will submit a nesting season summary report within 90 days of completion of all monitoring activities. <br />Additionally, an Excel spreadsheet summarizing all nesting activity and reproductive success will be prepared and <br />submitted electronically to JCP Compliance and FWC. <br />Task 3: Schedule.. <br />The sea turtle and shorebird monitoring will commence in February 2020. <br />Task 3: Cost <br />The lump sum cost for this task is $99,154.36. <br />Summary <br />The total lump sum cost to perform the proposed work described herein for Sector 5 — 2018029 — Work Order #5 <br />is $185,731.66. Please refer to Exhibit 2, attached to the end of this proposal, for a summary of the costs and labor <br />hours of each Task. APTIM will proceed with the tasks upon receipt of a signed work order from Indian River <br />County. <br />Thank you for the opportunity to serve Indian River County. We look forward to continuing to provide expert <br />professional services to the County. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. <br />Sincerely, <br />Stacy Buck <br />Lead Marine Biologist <br />Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, LLC <br />cc: Thomas Pierro, P.E., D.CE, APTIM <br />Jordon Cheifet, PE, CFM, APTIM <br />Authorized Corporate Signature <br />Thomas P. Pierro, P.E., D.CE <br />Printed Name <br />Director of Operations <br />Title <br />