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FXI-IIRIT ttl <br />Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Replacement <br />at Oslo Road Osmosis Water Treatment Plant <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />The Oslo Road Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant (ROWTP) standby power system consists <br />of an automatic transfer switch (ATS) and emergency backup generator which provide service to <br />the WTP during instances when utility service is unavailable. The ATS is critical to the operation <br />of the WTP under periods of inclement weather or power source failure. <br />The existing ATS, originally manufactured by General Electric, is approximately thirty (30) years <br />old and is need of replacement. Furthermore, the GE electrical gear division has since been <br />purchased by ABB, resulting in issues with locating and acquiring spare parts necessary for <br />operation of the emergency standby power system. The following scope provides the design and <br />bid phase services related to the replacement of the ATS at the Oslo Road WTP. <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />Consultant will utilize the services and provide coordination of C&W Engineering in the execution <br />of these tasks. <br />TASK 1— PREPARATION OF DESIGN DOCUMENTS <br />Consultant will prepare design plans and specifications for ATS replacement. Design plans and <br />specifications will be submitted to IRCU at the 60%, 90%, and 100% intervals. Design documents <br />will provide recommended sequence of construction to maintain electrical service to the WTP <br />with minimal shutdown durations. <br />Consultant will prepare an opinion of probable construction costs (OPCC) associated with the <br />proposed improvements at each design interval. <br />Consultant will provide design deliverables for review by IRCU at the 60% and 90% intervals. <br />Comments from the 90% submittal review will be addressed in the final (100%) submittal. It is <br />expected that design review meetings will be held via teleconference calls with the project team <br />at the 60% and 90% design intervals. <br />TASK 2 — BID PHASE ASSISTANCE <br />Consultant will attend one (1) pre-bid meeting and answer a reasonable number of questions <br />from potential bidders regarding the scope of work during the project advertisement (bid) phase. <br />FAUtilities\UTILITY - EMPLOYEE FOLDERS\Terry Southard\Memos\2020.01.22 - Scope - Oslo ATS (002).docx Page 1 of 4 <br />