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Exhibit A <br />PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE <br />PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING SERVICES <br />"SCOPE OF SERVICES" <br />for <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PARKS & CONSERVATION RESOURCES <br />LOST TREE ISLAND CONSERVATION AREA ECOLOGICAL ENHANCEMENT <br />The project objectives for design and engineering of the Lost Tree Island Conservation Area <br />(LTICA) ecological enhancement plan are briefly summarized as follows: <br />• Site design that is resilient and versatile, and by its nature will be adaptable during extreme <br />weather events and climate change <br />• Water quality benefits through creation and enhancement of wetland communities <br />• Establishment of endemic habitat, including, but not limited to: <br />o High marsh habitat which is a rare resource in Indian River County <br />o Strategically located mangrove wetlands <br />o Maritime hammock habitat <br />o Salt flats and open sandy beaches for shorebird nesting <br />o Seagrass habitat (based on appropriateness and feasibility) <br />o Oyster reefs (based on appropriateness and feasibility) <br />o Expanded nursery areas for fish and invertebrates <br />• Incorporation of innovative, low maintenance elements for shoreline stabilization <br />• Incorporation of green technologies where appropriate and feasible <br />• Provide for educational engagement on the ecological issues facing the Lagoon <br />• Provide passive recreational opportunities that promote ecotourism, educational awareness, <br />local responsibility and facilitates informed community input <br />• Minimization of mosquito production <br />• Elimination of nuisance and exotic plant species such as Australian pine and Brazilian pepper <br />• Minimization of long-term maintenance, management, and capital costs <br />This proposal provides an outline of services required to provide an engineered design to <br />meet the project objectives. The proposal does not include any permitting, bidding, or <br />construction administration services. <br />SECTION 2: SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Based on the LTICA ecological enhancement Project Objectives described in Section 1, the <br />following Scope of Services has been prepared to define the design and engineering work to <br />C:\Users\sandyw\AppData\LocaRMicrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\J132PHUR\2020_02_CarterProposal_Lost Tree Island RFQ <br />2020008.doc Page 2 of 8 <br />©2020 by CAI <br />