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Exhibit A <br />be completed by Carter Associates, Inc. (ENGINEER) for the Indian River County Parks <br />and Conservation Resources Division (CLIENT). <br />TASK 1—PRELIMINARY PLANNING <br />ENGINEER will attend up to three initial coordination meetings with CLIENT to discuss <br />wetland enhancement plan and construction phasing based on priority and funding. This task <br />will include completing one site visit with CLIENT to observe existing site conditions in <br />preparation for completion of additional baseline data collection. This task will be focused on <br />defining the location and extent of topographic and bathymetric information generated in Task 2, <br />below. The task will also be focused on assessing possible methods of construction, and transport <br />and mobilization of equipment, with various sources in an effort to provide a general framework <br />for conceptual design. <br />Deliverable for this task will be a memorandum prepared by the ENGINEER outlining the <br />information gathered from meetings, site review, and coordination, and providing a general <br />discussion of issues that may need to be addressed as part of site design. <br />TASK 2 - SITE SURVEYS <br />CLIENT will provide available survey data that was obtained as part of prior mitigation projects <br />on Earman and Duck Head islands. ENGINEER will sub -consult with a site contractor to <br />perform limited clearing along baselines needed for data collection. ENGINEER will perform <br />survey to collect baseline data including topography, bathymetry, and vegetative cover of the <br />three (i.e. Earman, Duck Head, and Hog's Head) islands sufficient to develop the Conceptual <br />Design (Task 3). Topographic survey to include spot elevations on 400 -foot intervals to obtain <br />sufficient information to complete the required grading plan. Coordinate with CLIENT to <br />identify land uses on site, with emphasis on the coverage of exotic species and native vegetation <br />to be preserved. Utilize drone and underwater ROV for additional data collection. <br />Deliverables for this task will include 24"06" full-sized drawings of the survey signed and <br />sealed by a Professional Surveyor and Mapper. <br />TASK 3 — CONCEPTUAL ECOLOGICAL ENHANCEMENT PLAN <br />Based on the information collected in tasks 1 and 2, ENGINEER will coordinate with <br />CLIENT to provide a series of Conceptual Enhancement Plans. It is proposed that the <br />ENGINEER will generate a series of design concepts based at the following milestones in <br />project planning: <br />• Initial Conceptual Plan Development: The ENGINEER will provide the CLIENT with <br />two (2) sets of full-sized sheets (for each of the three islands) depicting the baseline <br />data information. One set will be used by the CLIENT to generate rough schematics of <br />possible community structure per island. The second set will be a clean copy of the <br />C:\Users\sandyw\AppData\LocaAMicrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.OuUookW132PHUR\2020_02_CarterProposal_LostTree Island RFQ <br />2020008.doc Page 3 of 8 <br />02020 by CAI <br />