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3/17/2020 1:24:42 PM
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Carter Associates, Inc.
Lost Tree Islands Conservation Area Enhancement
Agreement for Professional Services
Lost Tree Islands Conservation Area
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Exhibit A <br />initial iteration of the schematic generated by the CLIENT, for each island, to be used <br />by the ENGINEER as a starting point for the design. The ENGINEER will use the clean <br />copy to generate the initial CAD design for the project. <br />Based on the CAD drawing, the ENGINEER will provide a rough calculation of <br />vegetative community acreages and quantities of excavated material based on the initial <br />schematic. The ENGINEER will coordinate with the CLIENT to discuss a broad <br />approach for phasing and construction based on the initial conceptual plan. <br />• Interim Conceptual Plan 1: Based on the data generated from review of the initial plan, the <br />ENGINEER will work with the CLIENT to develop a modified version of the initial plan. <br />As with the Initial Conceptual Plan, the ENGINEER will provide a revised calculation of <br />vegetative community acreages and earthwork balance, as well as general information <br />on potential construction costs and staging, based on various phasing and construction <br />alternatives. <br />The CLIENT will use Interim Plan 1 as a starting point for the Regulatory/Stakeholder <br />Engagement of the project design. These meetings are planned to solicit feedback on <br />technical information, as well as other design considerations such as aesthetics, recreation, <br />and other aspects of the overall plan. <br />• Interim Conceptual Design 2 Based on feedback from these meetings, the ENGINEER will <br />coordinate with the CLIENT to develop a modified version of the plan as applicable. As <br />with the Interim Conceptual Plan 1, the ENGINEER will provide a revised calculation of <br />vegetative community acreages and earthwork balance, as well as general information <br />on potential construction costs based on various phasing and construction alternatives. <br />The CLIENT will use Interim Plan 2 for general public meetings to be held to solicit <br />feedback on the design of the project. <br />Based on these public meetings, the design will be modified to address any relevant <br />concerns. The Conceptual Design resulting from the project meetings will be finalized so <br />that the ENGINEER can proceed with the development of project plans (Tasks, 4 & 5). It is <br />anticipated that the level of effort required to address public comments should be reduced <br />from the development of other iterations of the plan (barring any unforeseen circumstances). <br />Deliverables for this task will be renderings for each portion of the Conceptual Design, as <br />outlined above. <br />TASK 4 — ADDITIONAL SURVEY DATA COLLECTION <br />Based on the development of the Conceptual Plan, it is anticipated that there will be a need to <br />collect additional site-specific data. Additional topography and bathymetry may be required, as <br />well as geotechnical data required for further design. Bathymetric information shall be obtained <br />C:(Users\sandywlAppData\LocaRMicrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.OutookU132PHUR\2020_02_CarterProposal_Lost Tree Island RFQ <br />2020008.doc Page 4 of 8 <br />02020 by CAI <br />
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