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Exhibit A <br />from the Mean High Water (MHW) elevation on each island to a sufficient distance waterward of <br />the shoreline as required for dock permitting and potential re -contouring of the shorelines. This <br />task may also include research for projected project elements associated with wetland design or <br />recreational elements. The information from the additional data collection and research may be <br />used to guide and inform the CLIENT on project design based on feasibility or cost issues. <br />Deliverables for this task will be data to be incorporated into the Development of Project Plans <br />(Task 5). <br />TASK 5 —DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT PLANS <br />The ENGINEER will develop project plans based on the following process: <br />• A preliminary site grading plan will be developed based on the Conceptual Plan. <br />• A hydraulic analysis of flow volumes and characteristics to analyze nutrient removal <br />potential (with input from CLIENT) will be completed using flood routings, pond sizing, <br />discharge calculations, and drawdown analysis based on the Conceptual Plan. <br />• The ENGINEER will coordinate with the CLIENT to assess the need for pumps and/or <br />other infrastructure to facilitate/mimic tide fluctuations and maximize treatment of <br />Lagoon waters. <br />A 30% design plan will be submitted for review by the CLIENT. The ENGINEER will <br />refine the assessment of vegetative community acreages and earthwork balance, as well <br />as the information on potential construction costs based on various phasing and <br />construction alternatives. <br />• Based on the plan review and assessment of project costs and phasing, the ENGINEER <br />will work with the CLIENT to develop a set of 60% design plans. These plans will be <br />used to complete the Regulatory/Stakeholder Engagement of the project. Feedback from <br />these additional meetings will be incorporated into the 90% design plans, as appropriate. <br />• The ENGINEER will develop 90% project plans to include earthwork plan sheets, detail <br />sheets, and cross-sections; planting lists (with the assistance of County staff); proposed <br />project phasing; mobilization and staging locations; land clearing/exotics removal; <br />erosion control plan(s) utilizing best management practices and erosion control devices; <br />schematics of proposed recreational and educational structures (to be designed based on <br />project funding and schedule); and infrastructure details including any pump station <br />performance criteria for manufacturing design and construction. <br />• A final public meeting will be held at this stage of the project to solicit feedback on the <br />design. <br />• Following the completion of the final public meeting, the ENGINEER will make any <br />C:\Users\sandyw\AppDatalLocaRMicrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.OutlookU132PHUR\2020_02_CarterProposal_Lost Tree Island RFQ <br />2020008.doc Page 5 of 8 <br />©2020 by CAI <br />