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The construction plans shall include both plan and profile views of the proposed <br />roadway, as well as cross-sections at appropriate intervals. Roadway Plans shall include <br />Signage and Striping Plans for both 11th Drive roadway sections along with the <br />appropriate signage and striping details for the new signalized intersection. Plans will be <br />designed to include the necessary roadway drainage infrastructure associated with this <br />project along with the necessary franchise utility design improvements required for <br />installation of the new roadway system. All plans will be prepared in accordance with <br />the latest design standards and practices (MUTCD) and the FDOT Standard <br />Specifications and Indexes. <br />Roadway Plans shall depict existing rights-of-way, section lines, property lines, <br />temporary construction easements (as applicable) and center line of construction. <br />Horizontal control points with State Plane coordinates for all PC's, PT's, curve radii, curve <br />lengths and horizontal Pi's shall be included on the plans or summarized in an alignment <br />table. <br />Erosion Control plans and applicable details sheets shall be developed as applicable to <br />support the roadway design project. <br />All specifications shall be noted and contained on the roadway construction plans and <br />shall reference either Indian River County and/or FDOT Specifications for Road and <br />Bridge Construction. Any deviations from County and/or FDOT Specifications for Road <br />and Bridge Construction shall be noted and clarified on the construction plans. <br />4. Task 4 - Stormwater Management Report <br />It is anticipated that all roadway improvements proposed north of 37th Street will drain <br />to a new dry detention pond that will be located in the north section of the project area. <br />CONSULTANT will provide all necessary design and permitting of said pond to provide <br />for the required water quality treatment and attenuation associated with this section of <br />the new roadway. It is anticipated that all roadway improvements proposed south of <br />37th Street will drain to the Indian River Hospital District's existing Master Stormwater <br />system via existing swales and or piping. A Stormwater management report will be <br />developed substantiating this proposed system and design and provided to Indian River <br />County and the St. Johns River Water Management District. It is understood the COUNTY <br />will coordinate any easements necessary for the associated drainage design to flow to <br />the locations stated above. As it is assumed this project will be permitted to drain to the <br />aforementioned systems, this proposal includes stormwater pond modification (north <br />roadway system) design and minor modifications to the IR Hospital District's Master <br />stormwater pond bodies. <br />5. Task 5 - Permitting <br />CONSULTANT shall coordinate with COUNTY and develop the necessary permit <br />applications in support of the 111h Drive Roadway Improvement project. CONSULTANT <br />shall complete all applications and coordinate with County representative(s) for <br />necessary signatures and authorizations. CONSULTANT shall coordinate and submit all <br />application packages (once complete) to the applicable jurisdictional agencies. <br />