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TETRATECH <br />Mr. Arjuna Weragoda, P.E. <br />Indian River County Department of Utility Services <br />June 2, 2020 <br />Page 4 <br />c. Pathogen Monitoring Report for sample collected within the last two years. <br />d. Updated Operating Protocol <br />e. Flow meter calibration reports <br />f. List of reclaimed water users and copies of the reuse agreements, if needed <br />g. Annual Wetlands Report <br />h. Summary of any modifications that occurred during the current permit period, if <br />applicable. <br />i. Summary of any ongoing plant modifications, for which permits were issued for and <br />anticipated completion dates, if applicable. <br />Task 5: FDEP RAls <br />1. Tetra Tech will prepare up to two (2) responses to requests for additional information (RAls) <br />for the FDEP wastewater permit. <br />Task 6A: Process Evaluation Due to High Organic Load (Additional Services) <br />1. In accordance with Section V.B of the current permit, it was noted that the organic load to the <br />facility exceeds the design load. Per the current permit, at the time of renewal detailed <br />calculations to evaluate the capacity of the WWTF based on the high organic load are <br />required. It is believed that this requirement was a result of high loadings that were observed <br />at the WWTF at the time of the previous renewal. Subsequently, IRCDUS has mitigated the <br />source of the high loadings. The influent loadings are now consistent with the original plant <br />design. Therefore, at the FDEP Pre -Application meeting IRCDUS will request that this <br />requirement be removed upon demonstration that the loadings to the facilities are consistent <br />with the original design. If FDEP requires that this permit requirement be met as part of the <br />renewal, Tetra Tech will prepare detailed calculations for current loadings for the existing <br />design of the WWTF. <br />2. Tetra Tech will summarize the finding in a draft technical memorandum. <br />3. Tetra Tech will meet with IRCDUS personnel to review findings. Tetra Tech will prepare and <br />distribute meeting summary to attendees. It is assumed that this meeting will be a <br />teleconference using Microsoft teams or similar app. <br />4. Tetra Tech will finalize the technical memorandum in the Capacity Analysis Report (Task 9A). <br />