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Rehmann Robson, LLC
Independent Auditing Services Agreement
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Indian River County, Florida 1 30 <br />Based on our preliminary analytical review, certain income statement accounts may be selected for <br />substantive testing because of their significance and/or ease of testing. Common substantive tests <br />over income statement accounts are described in the detailed audit approach in the Appendix. <br />UNDERSTANDING OF INTERNAL CONTROLS <br />A questionnaire will be provided that describes various typical control activities by transaction class <br />(ie., cash, accounts receivable, long-term debt, etc.). We will ask you to answer these questions and <br />provide us with any additional information that may be helpful to us in understanding the internal <br />control structure. Based on the responses to these questions, we will determine the 2-3 "key <br />controls" over each transaction type. <br />ENGAGMENT APPROACH <br />We will complete our work in four inter -related phases: (1) planning and risk assessment, (2) primary <br />fieldwork and testing, (3) financial statement preparation and review, and (4) conclusion and issuance <br />procedures. A brief overview of our audit approach is provided below. A detailed explanation of <br />the audit process and Rehmann's approach is provided in the appendix. <br />Phase 1: Planning and risk assessment <br />In accordance with your time schedule, we will hold a planning meeting prior to the start of the <br />engagement involving all associates assigned to the job. We will schedule the dates of our fieldwork, <br />arrange for downloads from your computer systems, document internal controls over financial <br />reporting and compliance, and review the materials you typically provide your auditors. At roughly <br />the same time, we will work closely with you to begin preparing / updating the format and structure <br />of the financial statement tie out in Microsoft Excel. <br />Once the County is ready and has available a final trial balance, we will complete the planning <br />process. Our engagement executives will analytically review the draft financial statements and <br />document our assessment of audit risk by area. We will use this information to tailor our standard <br />governmental audit programs to correlate with our risk assessment of the County's accounting and <br />financial processing environment. <br />Phase 2: Primary fieldwork and testing <br />Working from the trial balance used to complete our planning procedures, we will begin our year-end <br />fieldwork. Our lead schedules and audit workpapers will be created based on the County's financial <br />statements. This allows us to conduct our audit at the same level of detail on which our opinions will <br />be expressed and enhances the efficiency of the entire process. Each audit area will be tested through <br />a combination of analytical, substantive, and sampling procedures, consistent with the tailored audit <br />programs developed in Phase 1. <br />As the year-end fieldwork procedures are completed, we will review the workpapers, quality control <br />documents, and checklists as part of our internal system of quality control. All comments and issues <br />generated by these reviews will be resolved in the field. <br />Phase 3: Financial statement tie -out and review <br />Financial statement review actually begins in Phase 1 and continues throughout Phases 2 and 3. Once <br />the draft County financial statements are tied out to the Excel pivot tables and related notes have <br />been received, thev will be processed through our Technical Standards Review (TSR). <br />,F\ehmann <br />
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