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Indian River County, Florida 1 31 <br />Phase 4: Conclusion and issuance procedures <br />After management has had an opportunitz- to thoroughly review any audit findings or <br />recommendations, we will perform our conclusion and issuance procedures. These vary, but may <br />include following up on outstanding confirmations, reviewing the minutes of board meetings held <br />subsequent to our fieldwork, and obtaining written representations from management concerning the <br />completeness and fair presentation of the financial statements. Once complete, we will produce final <br />PDF versions of the audit reports and provide them to you via email. <br />SIGNIFICANT EXECUTIVE INVOLVEMENT = TIMELY COMPLETION AND DELIVERY <br />At Rehman, you can expect a substantial presence by the executives responsible for your <br />engagement We have found that when our most experienced people are investing a significant <br />amount of time in the planning and implementation of an engagement, we are able to achieve <br />optimum efficiency in conducting the audit We also believe that frequent principal interaction with <br />our clients strengthens our business relationship, gives us a deeper understanding of your needs, and <br />fully leverages the knowledge and experience of our professionals. <br />Our assurance practice is structured to provide our clients with efficient, effective services. We have <br />one goal: becoming THE Firm of Choice for both our clients and our associates. To accomplish that <br />goal, we employ a regional organizational structure, in-depth associate training, an emphasis on on- <br />site review and completion of audit procedures, and an enhanced client service focus through our <br />Rehmann Client Ambassador program. <br />rF�ehmann <br />