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Mr. Vincent Burke, P.E <br />July 27, 2020 <br />Page 3 <br />• Demolition and transportation for disposal of the 32 foot by 32 foot by 3 course high concrete block dike <br />structure and 4 -inch thick concrete floor. It is assumed that the construction is identical to the plan <br />provided in Appendix H of the Phase I ESA, competed by Tetra Tech in 2019. <br />• Final rough grade with no additional restoration <br />Table 1 <br />Tank <br />Contents <br />Volume <br />Notes <br />A <br />Diesel <br />10000 <br />East Elevated in containment <br />B <br />Spray Oil <br />3000 <br />West Elevated in containment <br />P <br />Waste Oil <br />—500 <br />Repurposed propane tank <br />Note: This task will be completed on a fixed fee basis. It is assumed that the tanks are empty. Additional charges <br />may apply for liquid disposal from the tanks and may be billed at a rate of $0.68 per gallon and $135 per hour plus <br />10% for the vacuum truck. <br />Task 3 — AST Closure Assessment and Site Assessment Fixed Fee $10,339.97 <br />The closure of the two regulated ASTs will require that a closure assessment be completed in accordance with <br />Instructions for Conducting Sampling During Aboveground Storage Tank Closure, July 2019 Edition. This will be <br />completed as the tanks are closed and the Diked area is demolished and will not require additional mobilization. <br />The samples required for this subtask include: <br />• Two samples each at two depth intervals in the diked tank area (4 samples) — Analysis: <br />o BTEX and MTBE via USEPA Method 8260 <br />o PAH via USEPA Method 8270 <br />o TRPH via FLPRO <br />o Organochlorine Pesticides via USEPA Method 8081B <br />o Herbicides via USEPA Method 8151 <br />o Arsenic via USEPA Method 6010 <br />• It is assumed that samples will not be required in the waste oil AST area <br />Site assessment activities required to delineate and/or confirm contaminants identified in the Phase II ESA include: <br />AST Containment Area <br />Tetra Tech recommended completing soil borings within 10 feet and on all four sides of soil samples AST -01 and <br />AST -03 and collecting soil samples in each boring at the depth corresponding the highest photoionization detector <br />(PID) reading (8 samples) with analysis for TRPH, PAHs, and BTEX. Additional borings are recommended for <br />delineation if field screening above 10 ppm is detected in any boring, as described in Task 6 below. Once the soil <br />delineation is complete additional recommendations will be required to address the groundwater impact identified in <br />ATS-TMW-04. <br />Tetra Tech also recommended completing one soil boring along each side of the AST containment area. A soil <br />sample will be collected at the 2- to 3- foot and 4- to 5- foot depth interval from each boring. Each sample collected <br />from the 2- to 3- foot interval will be analyzed for organochlorine pesticides, due to prior dieldrin detection in this <br />area, and the 4- to 5- foot sample will be held for contingent organochlorine pesticides analysis to vertically <br />delineate any identified impact (8 samples). Additional borings may be required to complete the delineation. <br />Former AST Laydown Area <br />Site assessment activities required to delineate and/or confirm contaminants identified in the Phase It ESA include <br />the following subtasks: <br />