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BOOK 94 FA�F 93 <br />sick time. Her second request was, if reinstated to the Department <br />of Emergency Services, that her pager and office key be returned <br />with a written receipt. Her third request was to be assigned to a <br />different Indian River County department. Her fourth request was, <br />if reinstated to the Department of Emergency Services, to be <br />assigned a County Commissioner to speak with privately if there <br />should be any problems that needed to be resolved about the <br />Department of Emergency Services. Finally, she requested attorney <br />fees and a return date of Monday, May 1, 1995. <br />Deputy County Attorney Collins commenced questioning Miss <br />Freeman concerning her comment about the "implied" statement of <br />Roger Jones concerning sexual harassment. He asked if it wasn't <br />true that Roger Jones had made a 'sworn affidavit and presented oral <br />testimony that she had charged John King with sexual harassment, <br />that it was not "implied," but that he had flatly stated in a sworn <br />affidavit and under oath before Mr. Chandler that she had accused <br />John King of sexual harassment. Lisa replied, "I stand corrected <br />on that, he did make a sworn affidavit, but it was a lie." <br />Attorney Collins questioned Miss Freeman at great length on <br />the matter of the Hazardous Materials Plan in order to determine <br />how the document was changed by someone else, as she claimed she <br />did not change it, when she was the one who had the pass code for <br />it. <br />Attorney Collins asked Miss Freeman about her testimony that <br />Mrs. Lopresti was after her to study the desktop publishing book <br />and whether Mrs. Lopresti was her supervisor. Miss Freeman <br />insisted she was, yet Mr. King and Director Wright had testified <br />she was not. <br />Attorney Collins suggested to Miss Freeman that the reason she <br />decided to turn in her key was because she felt she was going to be <br />accused of sabotage if she was there before anyone else and that <br />had occurred within one week of her first formal warning from Mr. - <br />King. She agreed. Attorney Collins wondered why she didn't <br />attempt to take any corrective action that first week, but <br />immediately went on the defensive and thought that everybody was <br />out to get her. Miss Freeman's response was that Mr. King was <br />close-minded. <br />Regarding reorganizing the bookshelf, Attorney Collins asked <br />Miss Freeman if she was aware of any difference between cataloguing <br />and reorganizing. Miss Freeman defined both words. He remarked <br />that she didn't do what Mr. King's memo said, "catalog and <br />reorganize." _ <br />22 <br />April 24, 1995 <br />