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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />conflict of interest would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, <br />any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is <br />about to employ any of the parties indicated, has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for an <br />award. The officers, employees, and agents of the Recipient shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities, <br />favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontracts. The standards of <br />conduct shall provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of the standards by officers, <br />employees, or agents of the Recipient. <br />Business Hours <br />The Recipient shall have its offices open for business, with the entrance door open to the public, and at <br />least one employee on site, from <br />Licensing and Permitting <br />All subcontractors or employees hired by the Recipient shall have all current licenses and permits <br />required for all work for which they are hired by the Recipient. <br />'till <br />