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C. Procedures to rapidly implement local mutual aid, state mutual <br />aid and possibly federal assistance. <br />2. Effective hurricane preparedness requires continual public awareness <br />and education programs, so that citizens will take appropriate <br />advance action based upon the category of the hurricane expected. <br />3. Evacuation and shelter strategies must be based on citizen <br />cooperation with staggered evacuation and best -available shelter <br />options until the shelter deficit can be reduced. <br />4. A strategy based upon sheltering people with special needs that <br />provides varying levels of care. The intent of the strategy is to <br />establish minimum standards so that the general population and <br />service providers will understand the level of care that can be <br />reasonably expected at regular shelters. Persons needing greater <br />care should be prompted to register for special assistance. Planning <br />at the County and state level will depend on pre -identification of <br />populations and determination of resource shortfalls and <br />contingencies. <br />5. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be activated and <br />staffed with lead agencies that become a part of an ESF concept. <br />The primary agency for each ESF will be responsible for coordinating <br />the planning and response activities of their respective support <br />agencies. <br />Indian River County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Basic Page 5 <br />