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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069 -EI, <br />20200070-EI,20200071-EI,20200092-EI <br />PAGE 31 <br />Attachment A <br />Gulf will mot accrue or seek recovery of AFUDC for any 2020,202 1, or 2022. <br />SPP prograins orprojects. <br />g: FPL and Gulf will apply the utility's most recent Commission -approved <br />depreciation rates to.calculate depreciation expense on all •capitalized SPP <br />cxpenditures: <br />24. The Parties agree that costs incurred for programing, administrative; .and .additional. <br />resources ("implementation costs") are necessary for PPL -and Gulf to manage, and track <br />SPP projects on an annual basis. and are incremental costs -eligible for_cost recovery:through <br />the SPPCRC, subject only to a reasonableness review of projected .implemeiltAtiOn costs' <br />and aprudence review of .actual implementation costs 'in the applicable SPPCRC <br />proceeding. <br />25. WhenevuTPL and/or Gulf petition for a change to its base rates and charges pursuant to <br />sections 366:06 and/or 366.07; Florida Statutes; the: assets being recovered through the <br />:SPPCSC that have been determined prudentthrougha .final true -up in the SPPCRC by tile <br />Commission as of the end of the historic ycar presented in the C.ompany's mniinnon filing <br />requirements may, at the Company's option, be included in the Company's minimum filing <br />requirement schedules and included in retail rate base for the applicable <br />test year. Once <br />recovery begins tbrougb base rates, these costs will simultaneously be removed from the <br />SPPCRC. Thereafter, new SPP capital>and assets related to SPP programs that. were not <br />included in the test .year used to set base `rates may be submitted for recovery through the <br />SPPCRC petition process. <br />26. By the earlier of April 30, 2021, or the date when.FPL'and/or Gulf is required to file its <br />projected 2022`SPPCRC costs.pursuani to the Order Establishing Procedure issued in the <br />12 <br />a -3i <br />