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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069 -EI, <br />20200070 -EI, 20200071 -EI, 20200092 -EI <br />PAGE 32 <br />Attachment A <br />2022 SPPCRC Docket, ;FPL acid/or Gulf will provide project -level detail'to the other <br />Parties for costs expected to be requested for 2022 SP.P cost recovery included in FPUs <br />and/or Gulfs currentplan at thatlime, recognizing that planning is on-going and cltanges <br />maybe. ex=pected. As necessary, FPL and Gulf will update this` information files' <br />for cost the. SPPCRC later in 2021. <br />37, 77re Parties agree that FPL'fi and Guns SPPCRC.factars will he a demand charge ($/kW) <br />for rate classes that have base rate demand charges. OPC takes no position with regard to <br />this provision except to note that this,.provision must he consistent with Section 366:96(8),. <br />F.S. <br />28. 71te Parties agree and ,acknowledge that all issues not addressed herein may, consistent <br />with Rule 25.=6:0.31.; F.A.C, still be subject to review and challenge by all Parties:. <br />29. 'Me Parties agree that. nothing in this Agreement shaft be construed to prevent anyParty <br />from challenging the reasonableness ,and/or prudence :of SPP costs in any Riture SPPCRC <br />proceedings:.. <br />OTHER _PROVISIONS <br />30. Nothing in,the Agreement will.have precedential value. <br />3;1. 11de provisions of the Agreement are contingent upon approval by the. Commission in its <br />entirety without modification. Except as expressly set oiit herein, :no Party agrees, <br />concedes, or waives. any pos.ition., with respect ,to any . of the :issues identified in the <br />Preheating` Order, and.this Agreement does not expressly address any specific issue or any <br />position taken #hereon. The Parties will support,approyal of the Agreement Arid will not <br />13 <br />