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Passage of a General Law Amending Florida Statute 7.31.
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.r <br />i <br />Ch. 7 <br />TA13LF Ar <br />__ COUNTY BOUNDARIES F.S. 1987 <br />15111510ry. a I cn 116 IMA its a G5 1, •. ; rn 69.%51-315 1165 IJ CGL <br />7.31 Indian River County.—The boundary Imes of In- <br />dian River County are as follows Beginning at the north- <br />west corner of township Thirty-one south, of range thir- <br />ty -live east: thence east on the line dividing the town- <br />ships thirty and thirly-one south, to the point where said <br />line intersects Ili me�rad I Itn�e,:of the south fork of he St. <br />Sebastian River; 1 enh ce northerly down the thread of <br />said stream to the main stream of the St. Sebastian Riv- <br />er: thence down til rea of the SI. Sebastian River to <br />its confluence with the Indian River; thence east to the <br />intersection with the southwesterly extension of the cen- <br />terline of the approach channel to the Sebastian Inlet <br />from the Indian River; thence northeasterly along said <br />centerline and continue northeasterly and easterly along <br />the centerline of the Sebastian Inlet to the Atlantic <br />Ocean; thence southward along the Atlantic coast, in- <br />cluding the waters of the Atlantic Ocean within the juris- <br />diction of the Slate of Florida to the township line be. <br />tween townships thirty-three and thirty-four south; <br />thence west on said township line to range line dividing <br />ranges Ihuly-five and thirty-six east; thence north be- <br />tween ranges thirty-five and thirty-six east to the north- <br />east corner of section one, township thirty-three south. <br />range thirly-five east, thence west on township line di- <br />viding townships thirty -Iwo and thirty-three south, <br />range thirty-five east to the range line dividing ranges <br />thirty -lour and Ihrly-five east. Thence north on said <br />range line to the northwest corner of township [hrty-one <br />south. range thirly-five east, being the place of begin- <br />ning <br />NblOry.-s I - M' :9 1925 CGL ••t t 2 - 59-6 <br />7.32 Jackson County.—The boundary Imes of Jack- <br />son County are as follows Beginning at the point where <br />the state line between The Stale of Florida and the Slate <br />of Alabama crosses Holmes Creek. Thence southerly <br />down Inc. thread of said creek to the section line In The <br />middle of Iov.nship live north range fourteen wrest. <br />thence eayl on the section Irne to the northeast corner <br />of section Isenty-four, township rive north. range thir- <br />teen west. mence south on range line between ranges <br />twelve and thirteen west. to the township line between <br />lownships four arid live north thence east on said town- <br />ship line to the middle of range hvelve west. thence <br />south on the middle of said ranee to the riddle of town- <br />ship Iwo north, range twelve •.%-est thence east on file <br />middle of township two north to the thread of the <br />Chipola fiver thence northerly up the thread of the <br />Chrpofa River to the northern boundary line of said town- <br />ship I.vo thence east on the northern boundary line of <br />township two north to the thread of the Apalachicola <br />River. Ihc•nce northward up Die thread of ;aid river and <br />the Chattahoochee River to the Alabama line and <br />thence we. ;Iv,arrl along tiairl slate line to the place of be- <br />ginnmq <br />7.33 Jefferson County. - i hr. boundary lines of Jef- <br />ferson County are ,is follows Beginning at the point on <br />the Gull of tdexr-„ %%here file line between ranges Iwo <br />and three cast strikes said gulf thence north on said hnn <br />to the base parallel line: thence in a direction northoas! <br />to the point where the sections lwenty-one-and twen <br />ty-eight and Iwenly-nine of township one north. range <br />three east, corner. thence north on the section lune dived <br />ing sections twenty and twenty-one and other sections <br />of township one north, range three east, to township line <br />dividing townships one and two north, range three east <br />thence east on said township line to the waters of the <br />Miccosukee. thence up Lake Miccosukee to the south <br />boundary of township three north, range three east <br />thence on said township tine to the east line of section <br />thirty-four in said township three north, range three <br />east; thence north on the east line of section thirty-four <br />and other sections in said township and said range to <br />the boundary line between the States of Georgia and <br />Florida, thence east along said boundary line to the <br />northwest corner of lot number one hundred eighty <br />township three north, range seven east, or the west <br />boundary of Madison County, thence south to the south• <br />west corner of said tot number one hundred eighty <br />thence east on the south boundary of said lot number <br />one hundred eighty to the northeast corner of section <br />twenty-seven, township three north, range seven east <br />thence due south to the southeast corner of section len. <br />township Iwo north, range seven east. thence due west <br />to the southwest corner of the said section ten. thence <br />due south to the southeast corner of section sixteen <br />township two north, range seven east. [hence due west <br />to the southwest corner of said section sixteen. thence <br />due south to the southeast corner of section t.venly <br />township two north, range seven east. thence due west <br />to the southwest corner of section nineteen. township <br />two north. range seven east. thence due south to the <br />southeast comer of section twenty-five. township two <br />north. range six east. thence due west to the southwest <br />corner of section twenty-six, township two north. rango <br />six east. thence due south Io the southwest corner of <br />section thirty-five. township hvo north range six east <br />thence rue west to the thread or the Big Aucilla River <br />thence southerly along the thread of said river concur <br />rent with the west boundary of Madison and Taylor <br />Counties. to the mouth of said Big Aucilla River. thence <br />westerly through the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. n <br />chudmg The waters of said gulf within the prisdichon of <br />the State of Florida. Io the point of beginning <br />ns;l rs. ,.. •ire _, , ' � •• <br />7.34 Lafayette County. -- The. boundary tui,•; or La <br />layette County are as follows Beginning at a poin! <br />where township line between townships seven and <br />eight south intersects and crosses the Suwannee River <br />thence west on said township line to the southeast coy <br />net of section thirly-one. township seven south range <br />ten east. thence north on the east lune of Sar(] section <br />thirly-one and other sections to the southeast corner or <br />the northeast quarter of section seven township seven <br />south. range ten east. thence due west to The range line <br />dividing ranges nine and ten east thence north on said <br />range Irne, to the, northwest corner of Township three <br />south. range len cast Thence east on the Inwn%hip her: <br />dividing townships Iwo and three south to where same <br />
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