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F_5..1987_ _ COUNTY BOUNDAh._6 <br />where range line dividing ranges eleven and twelve• <br />west, intersects with said gulf; thence north on said <br />range line to place of beginning. <br />aiSIDIV — S 1, ens 6505 6506, 6508. 1917. RGS 15 CGL 1 v <br />7.04 Bradford County.—The county lines of Brad- <br />ford County are as follows: beginning at a point where <br />the thread of New River intersects the thread of the San' <br />ta Fe River, thence northeasterly concurrent with the <br />east boundary of Union County following the meander- <br />ings of the said New River to where same is intersected <br />by the middle township line of township four south, <br />range twenty-two east; thence east on said middle <br />township line to the range line between ranges twenty- <br />two and twenty-three east; thence south on said range <br />line to the southeast corner of section twelve, township <br />nine south, range twenty-two east; thence west on the <br />section line between section twelve and thirteen, town- <br />ship nine south, range twenty-two east to Santa Fe <br />Lake. thence northwesterly following the northeast <br />shore of Santa Fe Lake to its westernmost intersection <br />with a line which is the prolongation of the north line of <br />McManus Subdivision as per plat book *A." page 117 of <br />the public records of Alachua County. thence west <br />along the north line of said subdivision to its intersection <br />with the east line of government lot three of section <br />twenty-one, township eight south, range twenty-two <br />east; thence north along said east line to the southeast <br />corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter <br />of said section twenty-one: thence north along the lines <br />between the east half and the west half of the northwest <br />quarter of said section twenty-one to the north line of <br />said section twenty-one; thence west along the north <br />line of said section twenty-one to the southeast corner <br />of section seventeen, township eight south, range twen- <br />ty-two east; thence west to the southwest corner of the <br />southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said sec- <br />tion seventeen; thence north to the southeast corner of <br />the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said <br />section seventeen; thence west to the southwest corner <br />of the east half of the southwest quarter of the northeast <br />quarter of said section seventeen; thence north to the <br />northwest corner of the east half of the southwest quar- <br />te: of the northeast quarter of said section seventeen; <br />thence west to the southwest corner of the northwest <br />quarter cl the northeast quarter of said section seven- <br />teen then -,e north to the half -mile corner on the south <br />line of section eight, township eight south. range twen <br />ty-two cast, thence west to the southwest corner of the <br />east haif of the southeast quarter of the southwest quar- <br />ter of said section eight: thence north to the northwest <br />corner of the east half of the northeast quarter of the <br />northwest quarter of said section eight, thence north to <br />the northeast corner of the west hall of the southeast <br />quarter of the southwest quarter of se^tion five, town- <br />ship eight south• range twenty-two east. thence west <br />to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the <br />southwest quarter of said section live. thence north <br />along the west line of said section five to the northeast <br />corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter <br />of section six townsttp eight south. range twenty-two <br />east uu:rn.., west to the southwest corner or the north- <br />east quarter of the northeast quarter of said section six. <br />thence north to the northwest corner of the northeast <br />quarter of the northeast quarter of said section six. <br />thence west along the north line of said section six to the <br />northwest corner of said section six; thence north along <br />the east line of section one, township eight south. range <br />twenty-one east to the southeast corner of section lhir <br />ty-six, township seven south, range twenty-one east. <br />thence north along the east line of said section thirty-six <br />to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the <br />southeast quarter of said section thirty-six; thence west <br />to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the <br />southwest quarter of said section thirty-six, thence <br />north along the west line of said section thirty-six to its <br />intersection with the thread of the Santa Fe River <br />thence northerly and westerly along the thread of the <br />Santa Fe River to its intersection with the east line of the <br />southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section <br />thirty-three, township seven south, range twenty-one <br />east: thence north to the northeast corner of the south- <br />west quarter of the northwest quarter of said section <br />thirty-three; thence west to the northeast corner of the <br />southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section <br />thirty-two, township seven south, range twenty-one <br />east; thence west to the northwest corner of the south- <br />west quarter of the northwest quarter of said section <br />thirty-two; thence west to the southwest corner of the <br />northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section thir- <br />ty-one, township seven south, range twenty-one east, <br />thence north to the northwest corner of the northeast <br />quarter of the northeast quarter of said section thirty- <br />one; thence west to the half -mile corner on the south <br />fine of section thirty, township seven south, range twen- <br />ty-one east; thence north on the quarter section line of <br />said section thirty to its intersection with the thread of <br />the Santa Fe River; [hence southerly and westerly along <br />the thread of said Santa Fe River to its intersection with <br />the south fine of the southwest quarter of the northeast <br />quarter of section twenty-eight, township seven south, <br />range twenty east. thence west to the southwest corner <br />of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-eight. <br />thence north to the northwest corner of the northeast <br />quarter of said section twenty-eight, thence west to the <br />northwest corner of said section twenty-eight, thence <br />north along the east line of section twenty, township <br />seven south, range twenty east to the southeast corner <br />of the northeast quarter of said section twenty, thence <br />west on the quarter section line of said section twenty <br />to its intersection with the thread of the Santa Fe River; <br />thence northerly and westerly along the thread of said <br />Santa Fe River to the point of beginning <br />Mnlury.—s I .. -I I"J ; 7 cn &J5 18`18 s 1 cn 1079 1859 s 1 In <br />11� :q.l ��S in -J II.i 711 :1578 11GS .'0 s 1 In b�14 I'I!1 I;GI <br />7.05 Brevard County.—The boundary lines of Bre- <br />vard County are as follows Beginning in the thread of <br />the St Johns River where the line dividing townships <br />twenty-one and twenty-two south, intersects said river. <br />thence east on said township line to the range line divid- <br />ing ranges thirty-three and thirty-four east. thence <br />north on said range line to where the same intersects the <br />line dividing townships nineteen and twenty south; <br />thence east on said township line to the Atlantic Ocean. <br />thence southward along the Atlantic coast, including the <br />