Ch. 7
<br />waters of the Atlantic Ocean within the jurisdiction of
<br />Florida, to the Intersection with the centerline of the Se-
<br />bastian Inlet produced easlwardly, said hnlel being in
<br />section twenty of township thirty south range thirty-nine
<br />east; thence westerly on said centerline and continuing
<br />southwesterly along the centerline of the approach
<br />channel to said Inlet from the Indian River to a point due
<br />east of the mouth of the St. Sebastian River, thence due
<br />west to the mouth f the SI. Sebastian River; thence
<br />south along th hread I the SI. Sebastian River and the
<br />thread I the south fork of the St Sebastian River to a
<br />point where the fine dividing townships thirty and thirty-
<br />one south Intersects the Ihread�ol said south fork,
<br />thence west on said township line to the line dividing
<br />ranges thirty-four and thirty-five east; thence north on
<br />said range line to the northeast corner of township twen-
<br />ty-five south, range Ihhrty-lour cast and the St. Johns
<br />River; thence northerly following the thread of said river
<br />to the point of beginning
<br />Ht&1ory.- ch 651.1855.$ 2. Ch IYJ6 1874 s I ch 3175.1879 s 1. ch 3768
<br />1887 n5 50 ss 1 19 ch 5167 1905 GS 48 HG s 1•3 s I ch 10148 1925 CGL
<br />55. s I. ch 59 480
<br />7.08 Broward County.—The boundary Innes of Brow-
<br />ard County are as follows: Beginning on the east bound-
<br />ary of the Stale of Florida al a point where the south
<br />boundary of township forty-seven south of range forty-
<br />three east, produced easterly, would Intersect the same,
<br />thence westerly on said township boundary to its inter-
<br />section with the axis or center line of Hillsborough Slate
<br />Drainage Canal, as at present located and constructed.
<br />thence westerly along the center line of said canal to its
<br />intersection with the section line dividing sections Twen-
<br />ty-six and thaly-five of township forty-seven south, of
<br />range forty -ono east. thence ;;eslerly on the said sec
<br />tion line dividing sections lv enly-s1[, thirty-two and olh
<br />er sections to the northwest corner of said section Iha
<br />ty-one of lo:vnshlp lorlr-seven south of range forty-
<br />one, east_ thence south on the range line dividing ranges
<br />forty and forty-one east of township forty-seven south.
<br />to the northeast corner of swion le.enty-live of town
<br />ship south of range (oily east a distance
<br />of one hundred and six feel, more or less. thence due
<br />west on [tie ncf ih lindanes of the sections numbered
<br />from t+.enFy-L.r• to itmi., inclusive of lovmships forty -
<br />Seven south of ranges thirty-se,en to forty east. Inclu-
<br />Slve. as the same hd�e been surveyed or may hereafter
<br />be surPied t:y the awhord; of the Board of Trustees
<br />of the Internal Imoro,emenl Trust I unci. to the northwest
<br />Corner of Sechnn thirty of lownshn) tort/ -seven south.
<br />of range Ihui; seen east Ihence conlinoinc7 due v.esl
<br />to the range line between ranges Ihnly-lour arid thirty-
<br />five east 1henU: southerly on the range line dividing
<br />ranges thaly-lour and Itw Fr-h.a casi. to the southwest
<br />corner of Irv,n,nip fifty-one south of range thirty live
<br />east. thence east following the sloth line of township fit
<br />ty-one south. across ranges Ihuly-live Ihaly-six. [hit.
<br />ty-seven Ihul•y-eight Ihuly-nine and forty to [tic
<br />southwest corner of township Idly -one south of range
<br />lorty-one cast. thence north on the range line dividing
<br />ranges forty awl forty-one to the norlhwesl corner of
<br />section Ihnty-one of Iovnlshlp tally -one south, of range
<br />forly-one east Ihence east on life north boundary of
<br />section Ihuly-one and other sections to the waters of
<br />the Atlantic Ocean, thence easterly to the eastern
<br />boundary of the Slate of Florida thence northerly along
<br />said eastern boundary to the point of beginning In adds
<br />tion, the boundary lines of Broward County Include Itr.
<br />following Begin at the northwest corner of section Ina
<br />ty-five, township fifty-one south, range forty-two east
<br />Dade County, Florida. thence, southerly following the
<br />west line of section thirty-five. township fifty-one south
<br />range forty-two east to the intersection with a line which
<br />is two hundred and thirty feel south of and parallel to the
<br />north line of section thirty-five, township fifty-one south
<br />range forty -Iwo east. thence. easterly following the line
<br />which is two hundred and thirty feel south of and parallel
<br />to the north line of section thirty-five. township fifty-one
<br />south, range forty-two east, to the intersection with the
<br />west boundary line of the Town of Golden Beach
<br />thence. northerly following the west boundary line of the
<br />Town of Golden Beach to the intersection with the north
<br />line of section Ihuly-five. township fifty-one south.
<br />range forty -Iwo east. thence. westerly following the
<br />north line of section Ihuty-five township fifty-one soutn
<br />range forty-two east to the point of beginning
<br />Hletury.-s I c. 69:14 1915 W17 t -, i6 s$ 2' 15 ch 69 '
<br />78 119
<br />7.07 Calhoun County.—The boundary lines of Cal
<br />houn County are as follows Beginning at a point in the
<br />thread of the Apalachicola River where the northern
<br />boundary of township two north, range seven west.
<br />crosses said river, thence west on said township line to
<br />the thread of the Chipola River. thence southerly dorm
<br />the thread of the stream of the said Chipola River to a
<br />point where a line drawn through the center of township
<br />two north, crosses said river- thence west on said mid
<br />rile township line to the range line between ranges elev
<br />on and twelve west. thence south on said range line
<br />concurrent with the east boundary of Bay County. to the
<br />southwest corner of section nineteen, township three
<br />south. range eleven west. thence east on the south line
<br />of said section nineteen and other sections across
<br />ranges eleven :,est, ten west and a portion of nine +,es•
<br />to where said section line Intersects the thread of the
<br />Apafachlcoea River behveen sections Ivrentl -three awl
<br />tw'enly-six lownship three south range nine pgsl
<br />thence follow the thread of said river to the place of he
<br />ginning
<br />Hw.ry, i .,• v ,s, , .. •-t. ,
<br />7.08 Charlotte County. — The hjundar, iines of
<br />Charlolle. County are as follows Beginning at :he noril,
<br />east corner of township lofty south ranine I..enly-se•.en
<br />east thence south on range Irne dividing range -s ;.vent , -
<br />sever4 did Twenty -eh)hl eastto the. IU.vnshgJ line d1, d
<br />ing townships forly-hvo and lofty -three south, and Lee
<br />County. Ihence west on said township line to the waters
<br />of the Gulf of Mexico. thence northerly and wesleri,
<br />along said Gull of Mexico. including the waters of ,a,ry
<br />gulf within the Iurlsdlcllon of the State of Florida. to the
<br />mtersocllon Iherewdh of the lownship line dividing town
<br />ships forty and fofly-one south thence eat on said
<br />township line to the southeast corner of township tort,
<br />south. range twenty east. thence, north on the range line
<br />