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M <br />5. Community Development Director Sign -Off on Minor Site Plans <br />Director Boling explained that presently the Chairman of the <br />Planning & Zoning Commission has to sign -off on minor site plans <br />even if staff approves the plan. This amendment will streamline <br />that process and allow staff to do the sign -off. <br />Commissioner Eggert inquired whether tapes or minutes are <br />actually made of the meetings, and Director Boling responded that <br />the Technical Review Committee has a discrepancy letter that lists <br />all comments made by staff. <br />Commissioner Eggert wanted to know if there were a question <br />about a sign -off, whether a tape of the meeting would be available <br />for investigation, and Director Boling advised that the meetings <br />are not taped; however, each individual department signs off on the <br />actual plans much like the Chairman of the Planning & Zoning <br />Commission does. <br />Commissioner Adams hoped that Indian River County will try to <br />be the first to get the ex parte communication caselaw guidelines <br />on line as soon as they are drawn in Tallahassee. <br />6. Driving Aisle Widths for Mini -Storage Projects <br />Director Boling explained that this amendment would provide a <br />20 foot width for one-way aisles in storage facilities. Traffic <br />engineering and Emergency Services have agreed that this width is <br />adequate. <br />7. Update of Chapter 912 SR -60 Setback Allowance <br />Director Boling advised that 'this amendment is a parallel <br />section to the zoning code for SR -60 setbacks. <br />8. Open Space Calculation for Agricultural Properties <br />with Manmade Water Bodies <br />Director Boling reminded the Board of the Eagle's Nest planned <br />development which utilizes a site with an existing water body <br />created as a result of a mining operation. The ordinance is <br />currently structured to limit how much a water body can count <br />toward the required open space which creates problems when you have <br />existing sites with water bodies on them. This amendment would <br />provide an alternative calculation excluding the water body area <br />from the overall calculations for the required amount of green <br />space. <br />MAY 159 1995 19 <br />GOOK 95 Pa;r 19 <br />