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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069 -EI, Attachment A <br />20200070-EI,20200071-EI,20200092-EI <br />PAGE 21 <br />WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature directed each utility to file a 'ten -}rear Stortn <br />Protection flan ("S1'P'') that:explains the stonii!harde Ting ptograins and projects the utility witl <br />implement to achieve the legislative objectives of reducing restoration costs and outage tithes <br />associated :with extretrie weather events and enhancing reliability. See Section 366.96(3), F.S.; <br />WHEREAS, The Florida:1 egislahire directed the, Florida Public Service Commission <br />("Commission") to conduct an annual proceeding to .determine the utility'.s :prudently incurred <br />SPP costs .and: to allow:the utility to recover such costs through, a Charge, Separate and apartfrom <br />its base rates;ao be referenced as the:Storni Protection Plan Cost Recovery Clause .("SPPCRC"). <br />See: Section 366.96(7), F S.; <br />WHEREAS, .Section 366.96(8), F.S., and Rule 25-6.01l(6)(b),,F.A.C., provide that the <br />SPP costs to .be recovered. through the SPPCRC may not include costs .recovered through the <br />utility's base rates or any other cost recovery mcchanisiiv <br />WHEREAS; Rule 25-6.030, P:A.C:, requires each utility to file an updated SPP at least <br />every three years that covers the utility's immediate ten-year planning period and specifies tate. <br />intforniation to be included in each utility's SPP; <br />WHEREAS, Rule 25-6:031, F.A.C.! provides that affler a utility has filed its;SPP it inlay <br />petition the Commission for. ecoveryof the costs associated with the SPP and implementation <br />activities and specities the information to be included in each utility's SPPCRC filings;. <br />WHEREAS, On March 3, 2020; the Commission opened :Docket 1lo. 20200070 -EI for the <br />Gulf SPI' and Docket No. 20200071-E1 forlhe FPI. SPP; <br />z-zi <br />