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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069 -EI, <br />20200070-EI,20200071-EI,20200092-EI <br />PAGE 29 <br />Attachment A <br />whether such OSTM expenses are to be recovered through base rates or througli the <br />............. . <br />SPPCRC. <br />23. The Parties agree that FPL and Gulf may seek :recovery of and retuni on capital <br />expenditures and assets related to the SPP programs approved in Docket']\°os. 202000.70- <br />-El and 20200071-F1, in the following manner:: <br />a. Capital expenditures .incurred prior to. January 1, :2021; shall. ;be recovered <br />through base rates. This. means that both tlic;retum On the net investment (which <br />includes net plant in service and/or construction-work=in-progress; subject to <br />'section .D.2.d. lbelow), associated with. a ;capital ;project .cost :incurred. before. <br />January 1, 2021, and the ;related depreciation expense shall continue to be <br />recovered through base rates and willa lotbexcooverable through the SPPCRC. <br />FPL. and Gulf will maintain their records on a basis sufficient to provide the <br />Commission and' intervenors with a sufficient audit trail to track -net -investment <br />costs for purposes of this provision. <br />b. The return on the;net investment (which includes net plant iri service and/or <br />constnictioii-work=in-progress, subject to sect on:D.2.d. below) associated with <br />`a capital 'project. cost 'incurred on or after;January 1, 2021, and the related <br />depreciation expense .may be eligible for costrecoverytlirough the SPPCRC; <br />subject a'reasonableness review of projected -SPP costs and.a prudence. <br />review of actual SPP costs in the applicable SPPCRC_proceeduig. FPL and <br />Gulf will maintai i'their records on a'basis sufficient to. provide the Commission <br />and intervenors with: a sufficient 'audii' trail to track :net utvestment costs `for <br />purposes of this provision. <br />10 <br />