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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069 -EI, Attachment A <br />20200070-EI,20200071-EI,20200092-EI <br />PAGE 30 <br />c. FPL and Gulf will ;:not seek recovery through the SPPCRC of either cost of <br />removal or retiremei is incurred xn 2021 related to existing assets. <br />d. FPL and Gulf will not include any constriction -work -in -progress balances as <br />of January 1, 2021, inthe beginning SPPCRC rate base balances. <br />e; The Parties. acknowledge that there are depreciation;expense savings in. base <br />rates :resulting from the retirement -of existingassets removed -from service <br />during the SPP project. These depreciation expense sayings exist Unfil FPLand. <br />Gulf next set base rates at which time depreciation expense would be, adjusted <br />and -recovery of any remaining net book value. of the retired assets' wouldbe <br />incorporated. The, Parties agree to. 'meet,to revisit issues related to the recovery <br />of'depreciation expense for SPP capital investments in base .rates and in the <br />SPPCRC ne .later than three months prior to the anticipated date of the opening <br />of the 2023 SPPCRC Rocket. In lieu of making system modifications related <br />to netting depreciation expense recovery in the SPPCRC, the Parties agree that <br />FPL and Gulf will not seek recovery of any property taxes through the SPPCRC <br />associated with storm protection plan capital investments incurred in 2020, <br />2021, or 2022. Instead, FPL and Gulf twill recover property taxes related to <br />SPPCRC capital investments through base rates for each of these periods, <br />including any test year projections filed in a base rate case. <br />f To avoid any issues regarding 'ATVDC bundling" or the aggregation of SPP <br />projects for the purposes if:theeting the threshold for the accrual of ARJDC. <br />far SPP projects between the date of this Agreement through 2022 :FPL and <br />11 <br />