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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069 -EI, <br />20200070-EI,20200071-EI,20200092-EI <br />PAGE 59 <br />Attachment C <br />.B. OPC filed the direct testimony -and exhibits of Lane Kollen (Ex. Nos. LK -1 thru <br />LK -3) and Scott Norwood (Ex. Nos. SN -1 thru SN -3) and related exhibits addressing Tampa. <br />Electric's "SPP on May 26, 2020.. Walmart filed the direct testimony and exhibits of Steve W. <br />Cl r ss (Ex. No. SWC -1) Arid Lisa V. Perry (Ex. No. LVP-;1) on the'same day. Tampa:Eleetric <br />filed rebuttal testimony from witnesses Haines, Lewis (and Ex, N. o ASL -2) and be$tigter on June. <br />26, 2020. <br />C. Tampa Electric filed a 2020 Settlement Agreement (C'2020 Agreement'.. for <br />approval in Docket Nos. 20200064 -EI; 20200065 -EI, 20200067=EI; and 20200092 -EI on A44Y 4, <br />2020. The Commission opened .l)ocket No. 20200145=EI to:serve .as a centralized docket for <br />consideration of all of the issues in the 2020 ,Agreement: <br />D. "17ie centerpiece of the 2020 Agreement is a provision .under which Tampa Electric <br />will reduce its base rates by an agreed-upon amount (approximately $15 million.) and will recover <br />all of the costs (with limited exceptions) determined prudent by the Commission associated with <br />activities in its SPP (O&M expenses and capital projects) through the Storm Protection Plan Cost <br />ltccovcry Claw , ("SPPCW }. Among other things, the 2020 Agreement was intended to <br />promotetransparency and ensure that the costs the company will recover through the SPPCRC do <br />not include costs being recovered through the utility's existing base rates or any other cost recovery <br />mechanism as required by Rule 25-6.031(6)(b), Florida Administrative Code, in accord with <br />Section 366.94($), Florida Statutes. The Commission approved the 2020 Agreement and <br />memorialized its :decision in Order No. PSC=2020-0224-AS-EI; .dated June 30, '2020, in Docket <br />Nos. 20200145 -EI, et seq. <br />E. Paragraph 11(b) of the 2020 Agreement specifies the cost of service and rate design. <br />principals to bemsed;for the approximately<$15 million base rate reduction and development of <br />2 <br />