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ORDER NO. PSC -2020 -0293 -AS -EI <br />DOCKET NOS. 20200067 -EI, 20200069 -EI, <br />20200070-EI,20200071-EI,20200092-EI <br />PAGE 60 <br />cost:recovcry factors in the SPPCRC proceeding. It states: <br />The specified amount of base revenue ;reduction: described above.:. <br />will be accomplished through one-time reductions to base rates <br />using the cost allocation and rate design principles reflected in <br />Paragraph 3 of the 2013 Stipulation amo ig the Parties as modified <br />by paragraph 3 of 'tlie 2017;Agreemezit, and those same cost' <br />allocation and rate design principles sliall be used to develop llre cost <br />recovery factors./rates that will be used.. for: SPP: cost recovery lithe <br />SPPCRC beginning iii 2020 land, annually thereafter as provided in <br />paragraph3(g) of the 2017 Agreement; <br />Attachment C <br />P. TainpaElecirle filed a motion to approve :tlie:tariff chaiiges necessary to:iinplcment <br />the base rate reduction contemplated iii the 20.20. Agreemmit .in. Docket No. 20200092 -EI on July <br />31, 2020. 1"lie tariff ohanges necessary to Implenieritthe base :rate -red uction :contemplated in the <br />2020 Agreement were prepared using the cost allocation and rate design principles in specified in <br />paragraph 11 (b) of that agreement. <br />G. Tampa Electric filed a petition to recover costs :associated with 'its SPP ("Cont <br />Recovery Petition') on July 24, 2020., in Docket No. 20200092=E1. Its Cost Recovery Petition <br />was accompanied by the:prepared direct testimony of Mark R. Roche (Ex.'1vIRR-1), David L. <br />Plusyuellic (Ex.DLP-1. ), A. $loan Lewis (Exs. ASL -1 acid ASL -2), and 'William R. Ashburn(L'x. <br />WRA-1). I'lre SPP cost recovery factors.proposed by the company were developed in accordance <br />with paragraph 11(b) of the 2020 Agreement. <br />H. The Parties have engaged in extensive formal discovery ;in the SPP docket and <br />nformal discovery iii :the SPPCRC docket. Through this process, the Parties have thoroughly <br />reviewed and evaluated 1onipa. Electric's 2020-2029 SPP and the projects planned for 2020 and <br />2021 and the related projectcosts, program costs and rate impact of the proposed SPP: The 2020 <br />Agreement included" the approximately $15:million base rate reduction described above, so it was <br />not necessary for the Parties to conduct discovery to detect possible double recovery of costs <br />through the SPPCRC and base rates in the .SPPCRC docket. <br />