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B. All allowable fee waivers provided for the <br />development or construction of affordable housing. <br />Impact fees and utility capacity charges are one time charges applied towards new <br />construction to generate the revenue necessary to make capacity producing capital <br />improvements. Overall, these impact fees and utility capacity charges increase the cost of <br />housing. Until Florida's 2019 legislative session, communities in Florida that adopted <br />impact fees were required by statute and/or case law to apply those impact fees to all <br />activities that create a demand for capital facilities. During the 2019 legislative session, <br />however, Florida's Impact Fee Act was amended to allow exemptions for affordable <br />housing (housing for households earning less than 120% of Are Median Income (AMI)). <br />In March of 2020 with the County's most recent impact fee study and fee schedule <br />update, Indian River County adopted a portion of the allowable affordable housing <br />impact fee waiver/reduction allowance as part of the County's Impact Fee Regulations <br />under Title X of the Indian River County code. Indian River County now provides: <br />• impact fee exemptions for single family homes of less than 1,000 square feet <br />(under air) for households with incomes below 80% of AMI; and <br />• impact fee reductions at 50% of the calculated rate for single family homes <br />between 1,000 square feet and 1,500 square feet (under air) for households with <br />incomes below 80% of AMI. <br />Impact fees for single family homes of any square footage larger than 1,500 square feet <br />(under air) and impact fees for homes of less than 1,500 square feet (under air) not <br />occupied by households with household incomes of less than 80% of AMI continue to be <br />collected at the full calculated and adopted rates with no affordable housing reduction or <br />waiver. Additionally, impact fees for multi -family housing units continue to be collected <br />at full calculated impact fee rates. Consequently, impact fees for these land uses cannot <br />be waived or reduced without being subsidized from another revenue source for a <br />justifiable reason. Because of this, there are methods of fee payment to assist income <br />eligible persons with the cost of impact fees and /or utility capacity charges. <br />Currently, Indian River County provides SHIP program loans and grants of up to <br />$20,000.00 per unit to income eligible households for the cost of impact fees and utility <br />capacity charges for new units. The county also provides SHIP loans and grants for <br />existing units to connect to the county regional water and wastewater system. To obtain <br />SHIP impact fee funds, applicants must execute loan or grant agreements with the <br />county, indicating that they will comply with the county's Local Housing Assistance <br />Program's requirements. Those loans or grants are limited to income eligible households <br />in the Very low Income (VLI) (not to exceed 50% of the county's median income), Low <br />Income (LI) (51-80% of county's median income), and moderate income (MI) (between <br />81-120% of the county's median income) categories. <br />Besides providing impact fee loans and grants, the county also provides financing of <br />water and sewer capacity charges for new units and existing units connecting to the <br />county regional system. The following policies from the Housing Element of the <br />F:\Community Development\SHIP\AHAC\ANNUAL INCENTIVE REPORT AND LHAP REVISIONS\2020 Incentives 7 <br />Report\BCC Item - Incentives Report\AHAC 2020 report v6 - 12-1-20 BCC Review.doc <br />