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Comprehensive Plan provide for financial assistance for payment of impact fees and <br />connection charges for affordable housing units. <br />POLICY 4.3: The county shall maintain its current policy of financing water and sewer capacity <br />charges for newly constructed housing units. <br />POLICY 4.4: The County shall maintain its Housing Trust Fund which provides below-market interest <br />rate financing and/or grants for land acquisition, downpaymendclosing cost loans, impact fee%apacity <br />charges payment loans, and rehabilitation loans for affordable housing units in the county. The fund <br />will also assist non profit facilitators with pre -development expenses associated with very low, low, and <br />moderate income housing development. Some disbursements from the Housing Trust Fund will be <br />grants, but the majority of funds will be revolving loans, with borrowers paying back principal and <br />applicable interest into the trust, therefore ensuring a permanent source of financing. <br />ANALYSIS: <br />Impact fees and utility capacity charges are needed to provide revenue for constructing <br />capacity producing capital improvements necessary to accommodate growth. Overall, <br />impact fee revenue partially funds construction of major roadways, libraries, schools, <br />parks, correctional facilities, fire/ems facilities, law enforcement facilities, solid waste <br />facilities, and public buildings, and capacity charges fund expansion of the county's <br />regional water and sewer system. These fees are based on fair share payments by the <br />people benefiting from the capital improvements, impact fees and utility capacity <br />charges. With respect to affordable housing, those fees increase the cost of housing and <br />put a burden on the production of affordable housing projects. To lessen the impact on <br />affordable housing projects the county in March of 2020 (upon recommendation by the <br />AHAC and approval by the BCC) implemented new impact fee waivers/exemptions <br />impact fees for single family homes of less than 1,500 square feet occupied by <br />households earning less than 80% of Area Median Income. The County's SHIP program <br />also can be utilized to provide impact fee loans and grants to extremely low, very low, <br />and moderate income households and grants and loans to connect to the county water or <br />sewer system (this includes loans associated with new home construction to Habitat for <br />Humanity clients). <br />Besides using SHIP funds, in the past the county has provided impact fee grants and <br />loans to eligible households as part of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) <br />neighborhood revitalization and housing projects. Although CDBG funds can be used for <br />impact fee loans and grants, they are not always available to the County to utilize. This is <br />due to a number of factors including the fact that: <br />• the County must apply to the state for CDBG program funds for a specific project; <br />• the application process is highly competitive and awards are not guaranteed; <br />• the County can only have one active/open CDBG contract with the state at any <br />given time; <br />• at times the County submits CDBG applications and obtains awards for non- <br />housing related projects; <br />• CDBG awards can last from 2 to 4 years at a time; and <br />• the County cannot apply for more CDBG funds until the previously awarded <br />CDBG project is complete and the awarded CDBG contract with the state is <br />closed out. <br />FXommunity Development\SIMAHAC\ANNUAL INCENTIVE REPORT AND LHAP REVISIONS\2020 Incentives <br />Report\BCC Item - Incentives Report\AHAC 2020 report v6 - 12-1-20 BCC Review.doc <br />