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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICAI ION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />b) Foundation screening via picket will be placed at the bottom of the house in replica of <br />the existing picket. <br />c) New foundation piers will mimic existing with use of concrete/CMU. <br />d) New front steps will mimic existing concrete:stairs. <br />e) Appropriate foundation plantings native to the area and reminiscent of those found at <br />historic homesteads (to include hibiscus or other similar shrubs) will be included. <br />f) If human remains or intact archaeological features or deposits (e.g. arrowheads, <br />pottery, glass, metal, etc.) are uncovered, work in the vicinity of the discovery will stop <br />immediately and all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize harm to the finds will <br />be taken. The Sub -Recipient will ensure that Archaeological discoveries are secured <br />in place, that access to the sensitive area is. restricted, and that all reasonable <br />measures are taken to avoid further disturbance of'the discoveries. The Sub - <br />Recipient's contractor will -provide immediate =riotice of such discoveries to the Sub - <br />Recipient. The Sub-Recipient;shall contact the Florida Division of Historic Resources <br />and;FEMi4 within 24 hours. of `tlediscovery. Work in the vicinity of the discovery may <br />not resume until FEIVIA has ,completed consultation with SHPO, Tribes, and other <br />consulting parties asnecessary. In the event that unmarked human -remains are <br />encountered during=permitted.activities,-all4ork shall stop immediately and the proper <br />authorities notified]n accordance with Florida: Statutes, Section 572.05. <br />9) Special Conditions required on implementation of Project (per Resource Conservation and <br />Recovery Act, aka Solid Waste Disposal Act (RC AA): <br />a) Unusableequipment, debris and material shall be disposed of in an approved manner <br />and location. Inthe,event significant.items (or evidence thereof) are discovered during <br />implementation of the ' prpject, Sub -Recipient shall handle, manage, and dispose of <br />petroleum products, hazardous materials and toxic waste in accordance to the <br />requirements and to ,the satisfaction of the.governing local, state and federal agencies. <br />b) If any asbestos -containing material, lead based paint, and/or other toxic materials are <br />found during construction activities, the Sub -Recipient must comply with all federal, <br />state and local abatement and disposal requirements. Upon closeout, the Sub - <br />Recipient must provide Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Renovation forms and <br />confirmation that any asbestos containing materials were taken to an authorized landfill <br />for such materials. <br />This is FEMA project number 4283-91-R. It -is funded ;under HMGP, FEMA -4283 -DR -FL and must <br />adhere to all program guidelines established for the HMGP in with the PAS Operational <br />Agreement for Disaster 4283. <br />FEMA awarded this project on October 14, 2020; with a Pre -Award date of July 1, 2019; this Agreement <br />shall begin upon execution by both parties, and the Period of Performance for this project shall end on <br />ApAlf 6 2021. <br />F) ZINANCIAL_C.ONSEQUENCES <br />If the Sub -Recipient falls to comply with any term of the award, the Division shall take one or <br />more of the following actions, as appropriate in the circumstances: <br />1) Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the Sub - <br />Recipient; <br />35 <br />