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IRC -1760 — Pre -Bid Meeting Minutes <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Q: Irrigation is difficult to bid, could there be an allowance? <br />A: The irrigation system is fully operational at this time. Contractor shall base bid on cost to raise <br />applicable irrigation heads (based on finished grades) with consideration for any irrigation <br />lines/equipment that may be damaged by the Contractor during construction. <br />Q: What is the grading outside the fence line, away from the field 2 <br />A: There should be limited grading outside the fence line. A slope of 2% will be sufficient. <br />Q: Are aerial photos required every 30 days? <br />A: Aerial photos will not be required for this project. <br />Q: Is thumb drive or CD is required for bidding documents? <br />A: Yes, please include all bid documents on a thumb drive or CD as well as paper copies. <br />Q: Are CADD files available for take -off quantities? <br />A: CADD files are not available for this project. <br />Q: What is the quality of the guardrail that will be provided by IRC? <br />A: Guardrail and posts are in good condition. <br />Q: Are any adjustments to be made to the score boards or goal posts? <br />A: No. <br />Q: Are any adjustments to be made to the bleachers? <br />A: No, they will be moved by IRC Parks Division prior to construction. <br />Q: Does the estimate of $600,000 include the force account? <br />A: No, it does not. <br />Q: Will new plans will be included in the addendum? <br />A: Yes, the addendum will include updated Project Plans and the Itemized Bid Schedule. <br />Q: Is a dewatering permit included in the St Johns Permit? <br />A: Per the Project Plans, the Contractor is responsible for obtaining any required dewatering permit <br />from the applicable jurisdictional agency. <br />With no further questions or comments, the meeting ended at 11:24 AM. <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />1) Revised Project Plans <br />2) Revised Itemized Bid Schedule <br />3) Photos of Guardrail from 9/5/18 Pre -Bid Meeting <br />P:\Bids\2018-2019 FY (2019000)\2019005 Victor Hart Sr. Complex Drainage\Addendum 2 files\IRC-1760-PreBid—MIN_20180905.doc <br />