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M <br />Assessments. If any installment is not paid when dust, the County may <br />declare the entire outstanding amount of the Assessment, together with the <br />aeaeued interest thereon and an appropriate interest and/or prepayment <br />dnarge, immediately due and payable. Any Assessment or installment <br />thereof not paid when due shall be subject to a penalty at the rate of one <br />Percent (11k) Per month or portion thereof until paid. .pie entire <br />cutsta:s9ing amount of any Assessment may be prepaid at any time provided <br />that the accrued interest thereon and an appropriate interest and/or <br />Prepayment darge is paid together therewith. The Assessments shall be <br />levied against the properties to be assessed on the basis of the mmber of <br />Equivalent Residential Units (EMs) assigned to and reserved for each such <br />PreParty. 4lhe lien upon an assessed property resulting frau an Assessment <br />shall be eoctinguished upon the recording in the Official Records of the <br />County of an affidavit emmrtsd by the Chairman of the Boatel to the effect <br />that the applicable Assessment has been paid in full or that sufficient <br />security has been deposited with the Oounty in order to insure timely <br />Payment of such Assesemw*_ In appropriate cases, particularly for large <br />Properties, letters of credit or other security may be required to be <br />provided to the County in order to secure payment of the <br />Assessment with <br />respect to the property. <br />At the above named date, time and place, the Board will receive any <br />complaints of interested persons as to the Project and the Assessments. <br />After due consideration of any such cxeplaints, the Board may take any <br />action it finds to be just and riot with respect to the Project and the <br />Assessments. <br />4 <br />