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1. Use computerized load management where cost effective <br />and economically feasible. <br />2. Preserve native vegetation and topography in order to <br />retain their natural energy conserving benefits. <br />3. Promote car pooling and van pooling through incentives <br />such as priority parking areas. <br />4. Encourage incentives to nonautomotive travel such as <br />-provision of sheltered bus stops, bicycle locking <br />facilities, shaded pathways, and protected crossings. <br />5. Participate in a systematic approach to the development <br />of walkway and bicycle path networks with the local <br />government that will result in safe, convenient links <br />between home, work, shopping, recreation, and -schools. <br />6. Use energy-efficient features in window design (e.g., <br />tinting and exterior shading). <br />7. Use operable windows and ceiling fans. <br />S. Install energy-efficient appliances and equipment. <br />9. Reduce coverage by asphalt, concrete, rock, and similar <br />substances in streets, parking lots, and other areas to <br />reduce local air temperatures and reflected light and <br />heat. <br />10. Install energy-efficient lighting for streets, parking <br />areas, recreation areas, and other interior and <br />exterior public areas. <br />li. Use water closets with a maximum flush of 3.5 gallons <br />and shower heads and faucets with a maximum flow rate <br />of 3.0 gallons per minute (at 60 pounds of pressure per <br />square inch) as specified in the Water conservation <br />Act, Section 553.14, Florida Statutes. <br />12. Select native plants, trees, and other vegetation and <br />landscape design features that reduce requirements for <br />water, fertilizer, maintenance, and other needs. <br />13. Plant native shade trees to provide reasonable shade <br />for all recreation areas, streets, and parking areas. <br />14. Place trees to provide needed shade in the warmer <br />months while not overly reducing the benefits of sun- <br />light in the cooler months. (Shade in the summer <br />should receive primary consideration.) <br />15. orient structures, as possible, to reduce solar heat <br />gain by walls and windows and to utilize the natural <br />37 <br />