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cooling effects of the wind. (A general east -west <br />orientation will usually expose the smallest area to <br />the strong morning and afternoon sun, as will reduced <br />glass area on the east and west sides of buildings, <br />especially buildings over three stories in height.) <br />16. Provide structural shading (e.g., trellises, awnings, <br />and roof overhangs) wherever practical when natural <br />shading cannot be used effectively. <br />17. Use solar hot water heating <br />energy systems. systems or photovoltaic <br />Recommendation <br />In order to partially mitigate the adverse impact of <br />increasing the Region's dependence on imported energy <br />_ sources, the following conditions should be incorporated <br />into the Development Order: <br />1• In the final site and building design plans, the <br />developer shall: 1) incorporate those energy conserva- <br />tion measures identified on page 25-4 of the Harbor <br />Town Center Development of Regional Impact Application <br />for Development Approval; 2) comply with the Florida <br />Thermal Efficiency Code Part VII, Chapter 553, Florida <br />Statutes; and 3) to the maximum extent feasible, <br />incorporate measures identified -in the Treasure Coast <br />Regional Planning Council's Reaionai ;ne;:oy Plan <br />May, 1979, and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning <br />Council's Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. As a <br />minimum, the developer shall demonstrate that <br />incorporation of energy conservation measures already <br />themlrtted to and osmeasures 0 incorporated <br />equirem nt of Condition 2below has <br />projected projected energy demand by 20 percent below that demand <br />which would have occurred without incorporation dd the <br />measures. <br />2• The developer shall incorporate each of the 17 energy <br />saving methods outlined in the ENERGY section discus- <br />sion of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's <br />Assessment Report for the Harbor Town Center <br />Development of Regional Impact unless it can be <br />demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Treasure Coast <br />Regional Planning Council that individually each method <br />is not cost effective. <br />38 <br />