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4/9/2021 3:12:26 PM
Creation date
4/9/2021 3:11:37 PM
Official Documents
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El Caballo Blanco LLC
Gala of the Royal Horses May 21 – May 23, 2021
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as to minimize the noise impact onsurrounding residential pmpt rtiea, . <br />(e) Applicant shall obtain stage inspection, documental ion and certification in ac.r,,arilarce lvith <br />industry standard. Applicant shall provide copim of dociimeritatirtri rrfl xtinv r.rrtifticAtion <br />within 24 hours of Eveni. Applicant shall il%,n the County to in-irer_t file <br />construction. Stich inspection -hall occur nn Later than 24 hmirl prier In the V,4,mr. Aw, + 0111 <br />associated by the County's inspectinn shalt he at the <nle. cnzt of the 1"aunty, the catinrf <br />shall make inspector(s) availahlc al a multially agrcrahtc time. Failure in timely imr:xrt tht° <br />Stage by the County shall not preclude Applicant from pt(xrx-ding xvith the F-41-4nt. <br />9. Undisclosed or unpetmitted activities or hours shall he cause for this i.icrenre Aaareerrent to Pe <br />voidable by the County at any time during the l.icen%e (Duration. Undi cineed and onprt^mitte i <br />activities shall be subject to cancellation of the Event. and Applicant ahall be suhject tui daitnaues. <br />penalties'and other legal and equitable remedies including. but not limited ter full pzivtnr rut tinder <br />this License Agreement. <br />10. Applicant shall not assign this License Agreement or any rights hereunder or sulalet the Pr%!mix., <br />without the express prior .%-rittcn consent of the Asssistant County Admini`trateir or histhcr <br />designee. <br />11. In the event that the Premises or any other portion of the Fairgrounds are not vacated and cleared <br />by Applicant at the end of the License Duration, the County is hereby autknrixcd to mmnve From <br />the Priemises or any other portion of the Fairgrounds, at the cxpcwc of Applicant. Al zrod% <br />wares. merchandise and property of any and all kinds and description., placed or pernined, <br />therein by Applicant and which may be then occupying the same. and Count) shall not arc 4inhic <br />for any damage or loss to such goods. vvrarrs, merchandise or other prnper-,= which may he <br />sustained either by mason of such removal or of the place to which it may he AppiiL11int <br />hereby expressly releases County from any and all such claims for dan-Lt es of wNiv--.never kiwi <br />or nature and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold County harmless at Applicant's ci;c=%c ,is to <br />any claims for damages by thins parties having interests in such goads. mum --L merclutrAise and <br />property, including costs and attorney's fees_ <br />12. Applicant shall: (i) use and occupy the Premises in a safe and careful manrcr, lrudwinlz heat rut <br />limited to properly covering any and all power cords; (u) comply with all fcdersl_ sante =-.d !Uc al <br />laws, statutes, rules, regulations and ordinances; (iii' use the Premiscs sold- for the Fiai^r:scs <br />provided above; (iv) not permit the Premises, or any part thereof. to Er tb�cd fear MV Unlawful <br />purpose or in any manner that may result in or cause harm and/or dm=L,`e:to prrx ui3 or pioprrty; <br />(v) not post or exhibit or, allow to be posted or exhibited signs. 3,,drerti. tnt..a, ibow-billx. <br />lithographs, posters or cards of any description inside or in front of, or on an_% pun of the <br />Premises, except with the prior written consent of County. %hich consent %halt rt)( be <br />unreasonably withheld, conditioned. or delayed, and (vi) deliver to the Couunt% the Premilic% in X4 <br />good a condition and repair, including all necessary trash or rvutc trmo,-4 as t&- !kirnc shill Lar <br />found at the beginning of the License Duration. aldditiomilly, Applicant: <br />(a) assumes all costs arising; from the use of patented, tr de u rkcd or cop!-rightctd <br />materials, equipment, devices, processes, or drsnimiic rights uscd on or incorWriW in the <br />conduct of the Event. Applicant shall defend, indcninify and hold Count h:smilc-ti it <br />F drIlcrmeAgreetitart <br />lar <br />Scanned with, CamScanner <br />
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