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EXHIBIT #1 <br />Part A - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Upgrades <br />at South Oslo Road Water Treatment Plant <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />In 2014, Kimley-Horn prepared a SCADA/PLC System Evaluation for the North <br />and South water systems and provided recommendations for improvements. <br />The study presented the phasing to be able to support each subsequent <br />improvement while also maintaining operations of the WTP. Following the first <br />task of remediation, the subsequent task included installation of a new main <br />PLC. This recommendation has since evolved to improve upon the County's <br />redundancy and resiliency approach through the addition of a new high service <br />pump PLC, independent of the Main PLC. The intent of this work is to allow the <br />Oslo facility the ability to pump water to customers should there be a failure in <br />the main PLC, or a need for treatment to be down for maintenance. <br />The 2014 evaluation provided recommendations to replace the Main PLC as part <br />of step 2. Given the time that has elapsed since and the failures that have <br />occurred recently, it is IRCU's desire to implement these improvements <br />immediately. The sequence of the proposed improvements to the WTP control <br />system is provided to sustain operations and ensure reliability of treatment <br />operations throughout upcoming improvements to the WTP. Accordingly, the <br />County has requested Kimley-Horn prepare a scope of services to provide the <br />design, bidding, construction, programming, and integration assistance to <br />initiate these improvements. <br />IRCU had originally allocated $355,000 for wellfield PLC replacements, but <br />desires to utilize these funds to address the Main and HSP PLC improvements at <br />the WTP in accordance with the recommendations of the original study. <br />Conceptual cost estimate for this proposed work is $350,000. <br />The following scope outlines the work necessary to prepare bid documents, <br />assist the County with bidding/ procurement, provide construction phase <br />services for the proposed improvements, and the integration labor required to <br />program each of the respective upgrades to the Main PLC and proposed High <br />Service Panel. <br />K:\WPB_Civi1\General\Black\Florida\IRCU\Oslo - PLC Part A\20210325 - Scope - Oslo PLC Part A Scope.docx Page I of 5 <br />