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Page 4 of 4 <br />• ChloAnn Lawrence (Florida Department of Transportation / F.D.O.T.) stated the funding for this project <br />is through a State grant and not the Federal Government. This is a County project but any proposed <br />changes to the project are required to be reviewed by F.D.O.T. for concurrence. The grant is of a <br />reimbursement type which means the County pays the Contractor and the State reimburses the County. <br />• Diego Velazquez (Florida Department of Transportation / F.D.O.T.) added that F.D.O.T. provides <br />oversight to the project and in addition to other items requiring concurrence by F.D.O. T. are contractual <br />changes, time extensions and weather days. However, it is still a County administered project. <br />• There is a geotechnical report "Geotechnical Engineering Services Report for Proposed Roadway <br />Improvements Along 66th Avenue, Dated April 14, 2006." available that has been included with <br />Addendum No. 1. <br />• The field office, as required in the bid documents, is for the use of the Contractorso that a representative <br />is available on site and all contract documents shall be kept in the Contractor's field office. See "Contract <br />Documents Division 2, Section 109 — Field Office" for more information. The Contractor's field office is <br />not required to provide space for County staff or CEI staff. <br />• The Contractor is required to provide quality control testing and the County is required to provide <br />verification testing. All testing will follow F.D.O.T. Specifications. <br />• There is a utility identified as communications for the Sheriff's Department but it is owned by Indian <br />River County. — (correction: there is an existing IRC fiber line between 49' street and 57`h Street running <br />along the wests side of 66`h Avenue) <br />• Per a question about a Utility Work Schedule, several utility coordination meetings have taken place <br />and the affected utility companies are on notice and working towards their relocations. It will be the <br />Contractor's responsibility to coordinate with the various utility companies during construction. <br />Clearing for utility relocations (FPL posts) will be a first task on the Contractor's schedule. <br />• A reduction of the speed limit within the project limits will be considered by the County in conjunction <br />with the submittal and review of the Contractor's Maintenance of Traffic Plan. <br />• Two bypass pumps are required during construction of the box culvert. David Gunter (Indian River <br />Farms Water Control District) stated each pump is required to have a 2" discharge capability. He stated <br />further that the pumps need to be operational the entire time the canal flow is blocked. The receiving <br />waters for bypass discharge or dewatering is classified as an Outstanding Florida Water which requires <br />that the discharge be 0 (Zero) NTU's (Nephelometric Turbidity Units) against the background waters <br />and anything above that will result in the operation being shut down. <br />• No houses within the project limits will be demolished. <br />• It is expected that the Notice to Proceed will be issued during the month of March 2021. <br />• The electronic drawing/design files can be provided to prospective bidders. The format is AutoCAD and <br />MicroStation. <br />• Attention was given that there are different thicknesses for the asphalt types in each of the phases even <br />though they both are 3" in total. <br />• Meeting adjourned <br />ATTACHED <br />Sign -In Sheet <br />F:\Public Works\ENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECTS\1505-66th Ave Widening_49th St to 69th St\1-Admin\Meetings\IRC- <br />1505_PreBid - 20210113\IRC-1505_PreBid MeetingMinutes_20210113 rev.docx <br />