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Page 3 of 4 <br />• All testing will be performed per- FDOT specifications. (Testing Company TBD). <br />• Maintenance of Traffic: <br />o Contractor shall submit a Maintenance of Traffic Plan to the Indian River County, Engineering <br />Division for approval <br />o The Maintenance of Traffic Plan shall meet the requirements set forth in the MUTCD & FDOT <br />Index 600, FY2020-2021 Edition and shall be signed and sealed by a Florida PE. <br />0 1 lane of traffic in each direction on 66th Avenue shall be maintained at all times. <br />o Access for school, businesses and residences, school buses, sanitation & US Postal Service must <br />be maintained at all times. <br />o Detour routes must be developed and signed by a Professional Engineer and approved by the <br />County. <br />o Side roads can be closed for traffic for the construction of the bridges. Closure should not exceed <br />more than 120 calendar days. Closing for bridges shall be alternated (53`d and 611t or 57t'' and 65t' <br />can be closed at the same time) <br />• No extra pay items for Mobilization, Erosion Control or MOT for Bridges, these costs need to be <br />included in Roadway Pay Item for each Phase. <br />• Landscape and Irrigation Pay Items are generally Lump Sum; however, a few unit prices are required. <br />• Indian River Farms Water Control District permit - applied. <br />• The successful. Bidder shall provide all As -Built requirements to their Land Surveyor prior to <br />submitting drawings to the County for approval. <br />• Addendums if required — Bidders to review plan documents and provide comments to Purchasing as <br />soon as possible and within 5 business days following receipt of Pre -Bid Meeting minutes. No further <br />comments or questions 10 days prior to bid opening. <br />DISCUSSION <br />• The list of Pay Items for this project will be provided in an Excel formatted spreadsheet in o forthcoming <br />addendum from Indian River County. <br />• Brian Good (Kimley Horn & Associates) brought attention to some plan details that are to be taken into <br />consideration when bidding this project. Those details are: <br />o Class IV concrete pipe shall be used and inspection of all drainage shall take place by the County <br />(and/or CEI?) per the project specifications. Per the plan notes, all inlets grates and manhole covers <br />that are removed for the project shall be stockpiled and notice be given to the County for collection <br />(correction: per contract documents Division 1 Section 01009 —Special Provisions, 1.1 General C. all <br />salvageable material and equipment shall be delivered to the Owner at 4550 41St Street). <br />o Coffer dams that are constructed with the right of way of Indian River farms Water Control District <br />are required to be sheet pile. No earthen dams are allowed. <br />o In the pay item footnotes, there is a requirement under subsoil excavation for unsuitable materials <br />to be removed and also replaced with suitable material. <br />o The plans are for one project but broken up into two phases. The Kimley Horn plans include <br />signalization that is part of the phase that was done by Arcadis. <br />• The Engineer's Estimate was re -stated as being $37,671,848.35 and that includes a $3,500,000.00 force <br />account. <br />R\Public Works\ENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECTS\1505-66th Ave Widening_49th St to 69th St\1-Admin\Meetings\IRC- <br />1505_PreBid - 20210113\IRC-1505_PreBid MeetingMinutes_20210113 rev.docx <br />