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Indian River County Purchasing Division <br /> <br />ADDENDUM NO. 5 <br />Issue Date: February 5, 2021 <br />Project Name: 66th Ave Widening (49th St to 69th St) — IRC -1505 <br />Bid Number: 2021018 <br />Bid Opening Date: February 17, 2021 <br />This addendum is being released to provide clarification, corrections, or change of the Bid Documents. <br />The information and documents contained in this addendum are hereby incorporated in the invitation to <br />bid. This addendum must be acknowledged where indicated on the bid form, or the bid will be declared <br />non-responsive. <br />Any submitted questions that have not been answered will be addressed in an additional addendum. <br />Questions and Answers <br />1. Could the County please provide quantities for Mulch and Prepared Soil Layer for Phase 1A as was provided <br />for Phase 1B Landscape and Irrigation quantities? <br />Quantities for Phase 1A have not been provided by the designer of this section, therefore it will be the <br />responsibility of the contractor providing the bid to account for it in the Lump Sum Landscaping Bid Item. <br />2. On 1A Roadway, the 60" RCP (80 If) on sheet 43 of 112 is not listed in the bid schedule, also there doesn't <br />appear to be a proposed profile elevation? Please advise. <br />The Itemized Bid Schedule has been updated accordingly and will be issued with addendum 6, plans will <br />be updated for construction. <br />3. On 113 Roadway, the 60" RCP (469 If) on sheets 49-50, doesn't have a profile grade (other than a note to <br />reference the cross sections). Please advise. <br />The proposed sub -lateral enclosures are not included in the profile for clarity. Please refer to the pipe <br />end control information on the referenced sheets and the cross sections for additional information. <br />4. There is 72" pipe shown on the plans yet there'is no bid item for it. How do they want us to handle this? <br />It's on sheet 21- 66th Ave and 53rd Street. <br />The Itemized Bid Schedule has been updated accordingly and will be issued with addendum 6, plans will <br />be updated for construction. <br />5. Reference Phase 1B Roadway plans sheet 24: the total for the 18" RCP appears to be short 31 LF. Please <br />verify that the sum for this page and the grand total. <br />