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5/6/2021 12:38:34 PM
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5/6/2021 12:26:36 PM
Official Documents
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Agenda Item Number
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Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Award of Bid No. 2021018 for Construction of 66th Ave Roadway Widening
(49th St. to 69th Street),
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Addendum 5 - 20210205 <br />The Itemized bid schedule has been updated accordingly and will be issued with addendum 6. The <br />Summary of Pay Items, Sheet 11 and the Summary of Drainage Structures, Sheet 24 of the Phase 1B <br />roadway plans have been updated. <br />6. Reference Roadway 1A sheet #20, Note 2: Color Treated and Stamped concrete (color to be selected by the <br />engineer). Please provide color selection. <br />The color shall match the adjacent south section (brick red), a color chart should be provided with shop <br />drawings. <br />7. Reference sheet B-4 for Bridge at 53rd St over Lateral "A" Canal, which has two notes referencing barrier <br />walls on both sides of bridge: "TRANSITION VERTICAL BARRIER INDEX NO. 423 TO REINFORCED CONCRETE <br />BARRIER WALL (SHOULDER) INDEX NO. 410 (SHEET 3 OF 25)". Confirm that the 32" F Shape Index 420 on <br />South side of bridge and 32" Vertical Shape Index 423 on North Side of bridge.are both to transition to <br />Shoulder Concrete Barrier Wall - Index 410 sheet 4 of 25 Cantilevered wall as indicated in sheet C-1 under <br />FDOT Standard Sheets. <br />The barrier walls on the bridge (423 and 420) transition to the cantilevered FDOT 410 barrier wall off of <br />the bridge. <br />8. Reference sheet B-10 & B-11 Detail B for Bridge at 53rd St over Lateral "A" Canal. Concrete sections 5'-1" <br />wide by V-6 3/4" thick: It appears reinforcement for this section is accounted for in the Estimated End <br />Bent Quantities, but concrete for these sections is not accounted for in these concrete estimated quantities <br />(sheet B-13 & B-14). Please provide updated concrete quantity to include these sections, and confirm <br />concrete type to be used in these sections, is the intent to pour as part of the end bent (pile cap)? <br />The pile cap quantities for the end bents shown on sheet B-13 and B-14 do include the knee walls and <br />the quantity shown is correct. The knee wall is not required to be cast at the same time as the pile cap <br />placement. <br />9. Reference Sheet B-13 and B-14 for Bridge at 53`d St over Lateral "A" Canal. Estimated End Bent Quantities <br />calls for Class IV concrete, but General Notes sheet B-2 calls Class II FC' = 3.4 concrete for pile caps. Confirm <br />concrete type. <br />Concrete to be Class II per sheet B-2. <br />10. Will the county allow paving at nighttime county? If so, what are the working hours? <br />Yes, night time hours are typically from 9PM to 6AM, however, actual hours are depending on the paving <br />operation. <br />11. Will the county be able to provide a construction schedule? Our schedule department considers that there <br />is not sufficient time to complete this project? <br />The county will not provide a construction schedule, the Contractor will need to schedule approximate <br />cost load and Manpower load based upon selected means and methods to complete the project within <br />the contract time provided. <br />12. The pricing sheet for the bridge at the north relief canal (491h St. to 57th St.) has a unit of measure for the <br />miscellaneous asphalt as Lump Sum, would the county be able to change it as per ton? <br />We do not intend to change the unit designation from Lump Sum to Per Ton. <br />13. Can you provide the bid pricing sheets in an excel format? <br />Was provided with Addendum 3. <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />
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